Biff Wonsley

Hot dog farmers

All the assault rifles of the militia they killed at the hospital? Anyone believe we'll ever see them again? I'm sure they just left them & will be back to swords & arrows next week. And why were the militia at Culpepper armed only with swords (though maybe one of them was brandishing a flintlock, can't remember.)

I'd settle for a black bra. The lack of color only emphasizes that she's a kid, and that looking for side boob verges on pedobear territory. This of course ignores the whole 15 years w/o technology & wouldn't any piece of clothing be rather tattered & stained by now. But as with her unblemished skin & clean hair, best

Katic is a fantastic straight man to Castle's joker. I never got the criticism of her, because she's always done that role so well on this show.

So I suppose I get no credit for my extraordinary ability to suspend disbelief. Which is another way of saying I didn't guess it was a setup. Regardless, that was a wonderfully fun 100th episode. If only they could integrate the whole cast into every episode that well.

Ha ha, fat weasel guy is perfectly cast, so easily hate-able. A descendant of Ashur, I suspect.

I'm guessing none of the peasant villagers were invited to the wedding. That seemed to be just the ruling class there. Not sure.

Athel only ever knew one life, with a bunch of dudes on an island. Regardless of what Ragnar & friends did to Lindisfarne, Aethel's life is now 100% more interesting & exciting. Like a many a folk in this world, he probably dreamed of traveling to unknown lands. And he knows now that he doesn't necessarily need fear

Don't…stop, don't…stop, don't stop, don't stop! Love the reviews.

50,000 watts of funkin'

You & I have different definitions of hotness. Which is fine, but I will take issue with your assertion that Bitsie Tulloch is a worse actress than Tracy Spiridakos over on Revolution. I'm imagining a sitcom with those two as a mother/daughter combo, or maybe sisters. That would fit perfectly into NBC's lineup.

Alex Kingston at least looks her age in Arrow. They aren't trying to make her look 30 like in Doctor Who. Not being catty. She's attractive, regardless of her age.

Laurel may be dead weight, but she's lovely dead weight, and rocks a mean sweater, so I'm violently opposed to having any harm done to her person.

I know nothing of the comics, but Ollie/Arrow having a sidekick just seems like a really bad idea. He's a loner, Dottie, & doesn't need some punk kid weighting him down.

And I see no problem with an addict in the early stages of recovery going on tour. No problem at all. Who needs a stable environment for recovery? Constant change, a new city every day, what could possibly go wrong?

Gotta do a little more than stomp on a hard drive these days but, as with dragging files to a trash icon, it's more dramatic than holding a magnet to it.

Yeah, that was just stupid, the ol' "I won't tell you this important info that would immediately clear up the situation." I suppose one could justify it with the fact that Scarlett is dumber than dirt.

When did Avery turn into a piano-playing, falsetto-singing douche? I thought he was a guitar-playing country rocker. Not that I care. His scenes still seem like part of a different show.

I don't see why Lydia sharing her son has to end badly. She's finally accepting that she needs help. Sammy, otoh, seems determined to take down Sherman with him. I don't want this show to keep characters from doing the obvious for purposes of drama, though. Surely Sherman's obvious move is immediately go to Sammy's

Let's give Raylan some credit. He dealt just fine with Loretta in season two, however young she was/is.