Biff Wonsley

Just skip to Mississippi & be done with it.

I'm going with the red-haired guy from seasons past (IT guy?) who says to Raylan he says "what am I, an asshole?"

Raylan can't be a clean cut Marshal with tidy gray hair, it would work against his character. He skirts the law, he's not looking to make friends, & he's from a back woods rural hidey hole which fashion left behind long ago. No offense to the Harlan Co of reality.

I have a hard time believing this show would kill Raylan's baby. Tonin doing it I could believe, but not the producers of the show. That's just too dark.

The best place to put someone in witness protection is a public hotel with multiple points of entry. Uh huh. They didn't even reserve the whole floor. If these same guys are in charge of national security, let's just surrender to Osama Jr now.

Let's not blame Purefoy for this disaster, unless he's got a writing credit.

Ha. Jamie Murray stopped me watching Dexter ½way through the 2nd season. Saved me some grief. I should probably thank her.

Because Jason Bourne, that's why.

I'm ok with them casting a woman who can't act, but they could've at least done what most crappy shows do & cast someone tall & hot with large boobs, to distract from the bad acting. Like Arrow with Huntress, for example.

There's always Castle & Monday Mornings.

Danny also had a much higher voice than his sister. Confused me as to who was who when folding clothes & not looking. Post-adolescent boys/men who've apparently had acting & voice coaching should be speaking from their diaphragms, not throats. Bugs the crap out of me with Merle in Walking Dead, too. And Rufus Sewell.

I still can't get over how clean Tracy S is. Unblemished complexion, clean hair, stupid doe-eyed stare. She's still the same bad actor playing a bad character. Kill off the kids already & make it a grownups show & it could yet become something watchable, rather than just hate-watchable.

Repeating myself from above, it was the end of the 3rd Matrix movie for me, what with your blinded Neo, messed up face & extrasensory perception.

While we're complaining about words, it bugs the hell out of me that they pronounce Wesen "vessen." Considering how Monroe usually tries to pronounce the creature's German names like an actual German, it makes no sense that he & they wouldn't pronounce it as it should be, "VAY-zin." Grrr.

UTOPIA! What an amazing series that was. I'd expect DirecTV's Audience Network will pick that up sometime in the next year. They've shown The Shadow Line & Hit & Miss recently. HBO would be great. Can't see it on PBS or BBCA, though it would be a hoot to see the uproar if PBS aired it.

Agree with what I read of your commentary, though I had to stop short because we haven't watched the final episode. BBC is doing a lot of foot-shooting these days, mostly thanks to Cameron & his drown-government-in-a-bathtub boys. They won't be happy until both the BBC & NHS are rotting in the grave.

I get the gripes, but we should all know by now that the poor CGI is a feature, not a bug. It's here to stay. Anyway, it would be pretty jarring, if welcome, if suddenly the Wesen started looking real & scary. We should probably find other things on which to focus our ire.

I was only hoping that at some point either Crixus or Spartacus or someone point out to Crassus or Tiberius that they had to mobilize the biggest army in the history of the universe to take down a few slaves, slaves weighted down by women & children. Subtext, text, etc., it just burns me up watching those fucking

Foley is now super intrigued by Olivia, since she has more better national security info than he does. He's in over his head & is slowly realizing it.

Gotta love Huck! Sure, he has his one gear, but he's a super badass assassin, torturer & hacker. Can't get more awesome than that!