Biff Wonsley

I had to replay that to make sure Boyd transpositioned. Intentional? Mistake that made the final cut? Will we ever know the truth? Can we handle the truth?

Rod's reaction to blondie's death amused as well. Apparently she wasn't terribly important to him after all.

Here in Texas we can't bring harpoons into establishments which sell alcohol.

studying authors people read in elementary school

The casting of Rachel Nichols reminds me of the women on Arrow. I tend to be distracted from the quality of their acting by their attractiveness. Nichols' eyes are mesmerizing.

Jamie Murray is why I stopped watching Dexter way back in S2. I hope she's become less annoying in the interim.

Well, we could have her return to the future, discover that her husband is evil, then go back to 2013 to, wait for it – fight the future.

TMFE is indeed an intriguing film which could've done with more budget & less expo, but is so interestingly mind-sort-of-blowing it doesn't really matter. Cool idea.

Crixus did indeed lift a Roman off his feet.

I say outsmart, you say bluff. Thank fuck Spartacus & friends share one final sort of victory. The slow descent into defeat & infighting was too much to take. I needed that respite, and Crassus needed that kick in the balls.

This episode gets a B just for giving us so much Leon. Anything more is icing on the cake.

So you hate Tom Selleck.

I kept waiting for Szymanski to sell me insurance.

What's this about PoI ending its season early? I don't like bad news. Are ratings OK?

I didn't know who Poopdeck Pappy is, I just thought McLarty looked like Popeye. And, well, there you go.

I didn't know who Poopdeck Pappy is, I just thought McLarty looked like Popeye. And, well, there you go.

We have Jonny Lee Miller who is an arrogant, acerbic, witty, brilliant, caring and vulnerable Holmes

Blame it all on Malcolm Gladwell & his popularizing the whole facial expressions thing. How that man came to be such a one-man meme machine I do not know. Tipping point, facial expressions, 10,000 hours. Enough already. Or at least use the idea of the tipping point correctly. It's not actually a synonym for critical

I must have missed something along the way – is Sherlock completely dependent upon Dad for living expenses?

Having read most of the comments, about Colombo & the plot & AC Doyle, I'm gonna have to agree with someone way further up who posited that the plot was convoluted in homage to the ridiculousness of some of Doyle's stories. Either that or the writers just kind of dropped the ball on this one.