Biff Wonsley

One odd thing about the episode – they go overboard showing them using Windows phones, but later when Sherlock was searching he didn't use Bing, but rather a made-up TV search engine. Not ChumHum, though.

Oh for the days of Barney Miller, Bosom Buddies & Taxi.

Lester is now an evil, murdering dicknuts on PoI, so I feel less disposed toward liking him these days. I don't know if you can count his character in PoI as playing against type, but it certainly pushes my buttons.

That's always disappointed me a bit, that Coop & Sherman don't at least share some kind of bro bond. I felt like they went through so much together that they'd come out the other side with at least a healthy respect for each other, especially since Coop actually thanked Sherman at one point for pushing him firmly in

I saw the leg but didn't put 2 & 2 together right away as I was tensing up in anticipation of Dewey's explosion of off-color funnies.

So are your friends true gingers, or just daywalkers? Cartman could probably help us out on that. Funny how their hair color never registered on my radar. Anyway, Sammy's not going to turn his back on Nate even if he did learn that Nate's not his, genetically-speaking.

Tonight was the first episode where Sammy's problems weren't eye-rollingly annoying. If we can just keep Tammy off screen the rest of the season.

As I'm sure we all know, Cudlitz had his own episode in Band of Brothers, when Bull spent a night hiding from Germans after Operation Market Garden went tits up. Well worth repeated viewings. So him being on Southland was reason enough to watch.

Coop's back problems may have been technically over, but I was wincing watching him run. He ran so stiffly it felt like foreshadowing that something was about to go seriously wrong. We basically had 2 guys who have no business chasing after people half their age. Coop knows it, Dewey doesn't.

I hope Nina is playing Stan, too. However, she only holds one card, & not a particularly good one. She can demand exfil, but John Boy can just as easily say no. Other than that, she could go to the press, but then she'd just be smeared & she'd still not have been xfilled & would be at the mercy of the Soviets. She's

Yeah, Soviets didn't immediately start hating Stalin right after Kruschev's disingenuous Stalin-was-bad speech in '56 (?) In fact, not a few Russians consider him a hero today. And of course there are still glorious Soviet monuments all over Eastern Europe today. I was hoping they somehow shot that scene somewhere

Irina inserted into Phillip's life at this moment could also be read as another attempt by their bosses to test his reliability. Probably not, but interesting to think about. Intentional or not, this season has thrown up temptation after temptation in Phillip's path.

They're only antiheroes if you see them through patriotic American glasses. Turn the show around & have Americans living in the USSR pretending to be good little Soviets, while being brutal CIA agents, and they're heroes. If you're a patriotic American.

This show does beautiful women quite well. The only thing missing, and surely it's just around the corner, is a glimpse of Margo Martindale's derrière. Preferably in a scene with John Boy.

Best new drama on TV this season? Me thinks one hasn't taken the time to luxuriate in the awesomeness that is NBC's smash hit Revolution.

Rhys is that subspecies of North Sea islander whose skin takes on a deathly pallor when starved of sunlight. Also, the general color of the show, or lack thereof, combined with the muted ugliness of late 70s - early 80s fashion does him no favors in contrast. And also maybe a conscious decision on the part of the show

Liz can get away with more than your average insubordinate spy. That so many resources have been invested in her getting to where she is, plus the fact that she does her job exceedingly well, means that a decision to remove her could not, in the understatement of the year, be taken lightly. These are not agents that

I suppose that by "making it this far" I meant still alive, or not institutionalized. Good insight into stupid people & their stupid decisions, thanks. She certainly falls into that category, and obviously had every disadvantage life in this great country could provide.

I'm so conditioned by TV super villains I found myself expecting Drew/Shelby to have a Master Plan of Escape which would see him slip through the Harlan net & escape to wherever. Instead, he's just an old man caught in a vice. Nice.

I just assumed that Adalind would extort Renard or something. "If you ever want to know your son/daughter gimme the key," kind of thing.