Biff Wonsley

Considering that the beach island paradise cliffhanger was resolved in one episode, I'm expecting Peter to be sprung within the half hour.

Surely Peter will end up as boss, with Calloway taking her hair to prison, or at least the evidence locker. There is nothing right about her in any way. The hair, the accent (which I realize is probably her real one, so I'm hating on white trash or something) the clothes, the smirky, haughty air of superiority. I'm

"Bro" seemed to set off Joel Murray in God Bless America.

I feel bad for Vasili as well. Poor functionary, just doing his thankless job, always looking over his shoulder for scheming underlings. Maybe the guy in charge of searching his office was a young Vladimir Putin.

I like the idea that a Soviet lech picked up the kids. Pretty sure that wasn't what actually happened, but maybe a writer or two is banging their fist on a table somewhere thinking "dammit, that would've been awesome."

The Who, Joe. A serious band. Not those drug-addicted losers Stones or silly pop confectioneries. If Joe Barry Carroll wants me to take him seriously he needs to give us some serious musicians & writers to take seriously. Poe just ain't getting it done. Mary Shelley & The Who, Joe. Mary Shelley & The Who.

I liked Prometheus mostly for the idea that evil aliens seeded earth with DNA (I think, it was kind of confusing.) And that Fassbender guy, who's always fun to watch, and look at, and dream about.

I'm with @JeremySollie. I'm appreciating the episode more after reading the review, but while watching it I mostly felt like we were back at the farm – lots of silence, Rick yakking about how the world sucks, and Lennie James (who I love) going way overboard trying to dramatize a pretty nifty coincidence, what with

LLLJ. Ladies love Lennie James. He's like the hamburger helper of TV. Or Bluebonnet margarine. Everything's better with Bluebonnet on it.

How did he survive this long, only to apparently be eaten by zombies in a wide-open space where he could run to safety in all directions? Must be a cousin to the cabin-in-the-woods guy who had no idea about the zombie apocalypse.

And Danai Gurira is 35-years-old. Wow. I thought she was 20 or thereabouts. And she can be funny, and sweet. Who knew these things?

Ah, yes. 13. Sigh. Thanks for the reminder.

Perhaps I'm just blinded by him being a Roman, but all I see in Caesar is a treacherous little weasel who wants to re-enslave our heroes. At least Crassus respects Spartacus. Caesar thinks he's better than Spartacus, when he was really just born with a silver spoon in his weasel-y little mouth.

At least in the world of Spartacus, there don't appear to be laws against doing anything to a slave. Batiatus certainly had no qualms in that regard, unless it was a gladiator by whom he made his living.

Slaves should know their place.

I thought the docks were within the city. So the only 2 ways out are through the gate or by sea. I am probably wrong.

The prison fight in Banshee was almost Steven DeKnight-worthy.

Regardless of whether they were Bromans (nice) or not, props surely to Mr. DeKnight for throwing that in. It can't have been a coincidence.

The episode may be poor, but it's still one of only ten we have with Andy Whitfield, so worth watching simply for that.

How dare you cheer Caesar!