Biff Wonsley

WCOG – you wouldn't happen to be a fan of the Fletch movies, would you?

Poor Vince Gill is not aging well.

Gunnar's brother must've had some serious enemies for them to follow him all the way to Nashville.

I'm an S&G fan myself, and really liked the song they did together at the BB. I wouldn't call Rayna flat, though. I love how she just exudes common decency. She's the one character who, despite her messy life, really knows who she is. She isn't trying on different masks to see which one fits. Of course, much of that

Who's looking on the top of elevated cars in a repair shop? Not the first place our eyes go, I don't think. When Phil's talking to those guys they're not thinking "Get me out from under here, I need to check the top of these cars." It's not crazy ridiculous to the point where I'm thinking "Come on, show, I call

It's not such a stretch to think that KGB Boss Man would see Nina's BJing as a simple attempt to gain promotion ahead of maybe more qualified candidates. Wouldn't be the first person to sleep their way up the ladder. And boss man will need to admit he's getting blown by the secretary to convince his superiors that she

John Boy also had a good eye roll in this episode re Calf Woman.

Nina's best play would've been to go to her boss immediately after Stan nabbed her & present herself as having found an "in" to the FBI. I like to think they'd be more forgiving of Caviargate had she done so. Poor, doomed Nina. She's obviously not too terribly attached to the Motherland considering how quickly she's

Walking away Russell is too thin. She kinda looks like a teenage boy from behind. Not that she isn't attractive, but not much in the caboose. Nina, on the other hand…

Garage scene apologist here – it looks maybe a bit silly, but it would work because who the hell is looking up, expecting to see someone crawling from one elevated car to another? In regular everyday kind of situations, people don't generally see what they're not expecting to see.


I expected the gunman to come back, but I figured it would be as a spectator to admire his own handiwork. As it was, he seemed like the pale rider materializing out of the mist, coming back to wreak more havoc.

I like Ruben, too. He's the only person who can give Ms. Uptight grief without her getting bent out of shape. She seems to live on her own isolated island, and he's her portal into the rest of the world.

I'd say that I feel your pain, but I don't, because I absolutely love the opening device. Each time it reminds me of the first episode (which was fantastic, what with Sherman taking down that guy on his first day on the job) & how the show immediately drew me in with its unique style. Anyway, you're tilting at

At one point when Frenchie said something in English, the subtitle was French. I had CC on at that moment, and it was sooo confusing.

Ms. Procter does not belong on this show. Nor does her hair. Not sure if it was intentional, but if they were trying to make her out to be a hick from Atlanta, rather than just an agent from Atlanta, they succeeded. Never been a fan. Still ain't a fan. Though she wasn't terrible on West Wing.

Pablo certainly didn't inherit the gene which gives Liev such a beautiful & sonorous voice. Few things are quite so pleasurable as listening to Liev narrate a PBS special, regardless of topic.

Hear hear. I avoid previews, and don't really understand why people watch them. Surprise, even of the mild variety, makes watching more pleasurable.

Gluten- and dairy-free ice cream. Which begs the question of how Moz justifies calling it ice cream.

Rather cheep puns, wouldn't you say?