Biff Wonsley

Not-John Hurt did have some fabulously deep creases on his face. I hope we see him again.

Surely Sherlock knows Watson lied to stay with him & they won't manufacture a very emotional episode where he slowly discovers the truth & they hug at the end to show they love each other.

Pedantically speaking, Eminence Front wasn't released yet, so far as when this episode took place.

Funny, and not that it bothered me, but I think Tusk is pretty much the worst Fleetwood Mac song. Reminds me of them playing it with the USC marching band back in the day. The show redeemed itself with Phil Collins, though.

(الله أكبر

Isn't Barty a billiken? You know, like Chucky? Anyway, I thought for sure Mrs. Suit was gonna confess to Peter. She's giving Neal the shaft. That ain't cool & does feel a contrivance. But it's no more or less than we're accustomed to from this show, so I'll go with it, especially as Peter so easily saw through Neal.

I'd prefer FOX just replay S2 of Millennium instead of The Following. Would like to see it in HD. Also, there's nothing scary about Poe, unless you're 12-years-old, so the idea of a cult based on a 19th century hack is just silly. Even Stephen King would be less silly.

Stan shooting himself with the confetti shotgun takes the cake for me.

Can't really defend the episode, apart from the God making Asians cutaway. It skewered silly stereotypes of Asians & was the one gag of the episode that addressed the Other as a victim of ignorance, rather than a disgusting object of ridicule (apart from the pedophile, who is disgusting.)

Well then maybe her shock is at the much-higher-than-other-firms' buy-in, not just at the fact that she does actually have to buy in.

A well-done review anticipates our comments & doesn't always leave a lot for us to say, at least those of us who agree. The most striking aspect of this opener is how well-developed Marcus Crassus already is & how conflicted I already am about him. It was easier to hate Glaber, because he did indeed underestimate

They may be sweet & cuddly, but are also more than likely to have killed one or more people. That kind of disqualifies them from being labeled innocent. We need a better argument against killing them. Calling them innocent won't do, as they clearly aren't, regardless of the circumstances of their turning.

Innocent vampires – oxymoron? Maybe a handful haven't actually killed human beings, but to make an omelet you gotta break a few eggs. Count me in the Team Kill Kol camp.

Best part of this episode wasn't even a joke or gag – it was the look on Lana's face as they drove away at the end.

It's only disappointing in that it's not as good as it could be, because the potential is so obvious. Vegas, on the other hand, is just DQ looking constipated & Chiklis trying to carry the show all by his very charming self. It just seems to be going nowhere, very slowly. And yet I watch.

Totally agree re: Liam. Just makes no sense that suddenly he turns into a bad guy. I suppose the point is that all the men in Rayna's life are duplicitous jerks, but Liam doesn’t fit the mold.

Deacon & Liam (especially Liam) turning into dicks really seemed to come out of nowhere, like we'd missed a few episodes. I'm really not happy with Liam apparently being set aside, as he's my favorite character. He was gonna turn Mrs. Coach's career around & now he's suddenly just another two-faced schemer trying to

Justified murder may not be felonious. Just ask Raylan Givens.

I prefer to think of Mr. Purefoy as the silent Knight Templar. He's better when he just smolders.

KB ages awfully well. I half expected him to break out into a Footloose shimmy. Or I would have, if his character wasn't such a downer. Too bad they killed Maggie Grace. She was the best part of the show!