Biff Wonsley

Ha, pretty much what I wrote above – interesting politics + Rachel Nichols' hotness = good show.

Cold, repressed & inscrutable – sounds like Agent Dunham early in Fringe.

Her tech was damaged, yes, and that will be addressed in future episodes. I watched last summer & was seriously bummed out when that happened. I like when future tech is employed in present day situations. But the damage allows for getting Alec further involved in the show, so there are benefits.

I suppose John Purdue's surname isn't really common, but the only other notable thing about him is that he's buried on campus.

At least two things going for this show – the politics are pretty interesting, there's certainly no clearly good or bad guys. Kiera is a fascist tool of the state but with understandable personal motivations, while Liber8 has worthy goals but employ questionable means. And it gets murkier as the show progresses. So

I was kinda hoping he'd shoot & wound Victoria. Then they could team up in righteous anger to take down the Initiative.

Groucho Snarx

How about: you can't change something that's already happened, but you *can* travel to the future & change what might happen further on. So, you can't change the past, but you can change the future. Don't think about this too much. I just realized it doesn't make any more sense than any other explanation.

I think Michael crushing Windmark between 2 cars works as well as one word. Especially with him shushing Olivia, as if he were a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Yes indeed. Isn't he wonderful? You'd think a guy like that would be miserable, lonely & cursing his fate. He was none of those. He was at peace.

Noel – FWIW, Walter called Astrid "Asgard," rather than Ashcan near the beginning of Liberty.

Yeah, I guess I just prefer my vampires to not act like they're 12 years old. That seemed just a bit odd, even for Rebekah. I'm down with everyone working through their relationship issues, I just want them to do so from adult perspective, if that's possible, or even makes sense.

I know no details about the spinoff, but I'd assume or hope they'd start with how the kids were turned into vampires, rather than just be a modern day family killfest.

Agree about the originals. While I still enjoy the actors' performances, the menace of being unkillable, all-powerful vampires is gone.

I couldn't help thinking throughout that for a 1000-year-old vampire, Rebekah is an awfully immature teenager.

Does Bonnie know her father's a Cylon? Is that why he has such a problem with magic?

Looks like the fire may be starting up again with Ollie & Laurel.

I'm guessing the show's going to go with Arrow having 1 or 2 arch villains/nemeses, rather than a whole host of them like in the comics universe (not that I know anything about that.) The Notebook of Evil will be the real villains of the show. But already the show is setting itself up as a personal journey/odyssey for

Regarding the major sidekick faux pas, I don't think Diggle thinks of himself as a sidekick, more of a consultant & conscience, really. Dude's got his own thing going on. He's not dependent on Green Arrow for his identity. Unlike that pussy Robin's relationship to Batman.

One of the most enjoyable new shows of 2012, I was so glad I stumbled upon this last summer. Definitely smarter than your average low-budget sci-first show, it's partnered well with Alphas in our viewing schedule. I vote for weekly coverage. Regardless of the show's quality, Rachel Nichols is so stunningly beautiful I