Biff Wonsley

PVR is your friend. No man should be watching commercials in this modern age of convenience.

PVR is your friend. No man should be watching commercials in this modern age of convenience.

Poor gal. Voluntarily checks herself into psych home & ends up on another show taking a crucifix to the throat. She's been through a lot. At least now she's at peace.

Poor gal. Voluntarily checks herself into psych home & ends up on another show taking a crucifix to the throat. She's been through a lot. At least now she's at peace.

Show should be called Vegas: On the Nose. Kind of fits with all the other colon-ized CBS show titles. To make it worse, this was Exposition Tuesday. I had CC on, so I paid more attention than usual, and was just short of stunned & amazed at how pretty much all the action & development in the case was spelled out for

Show should be called Vegas: On the Nose. Kind of fits with all the other colon-ized CBS show titles. To make it worse, this was Exposition Tuesday. I had CC on, so I paid more attention than usual, and was just short of stunned & amazed at how pretty much all the action & development in the case was spelled out for

Mia & Nora, cowering in their home, 2 months after the blackout – with the front yard perfectly manicured! It continues to be the little things that almost drown out any stupid story they're telling. They've been wandering across the country for weeks, but they're not dirty, they seem to bathe daily, and Charlie

Mia & Nora, cowering in their home, 2 months after the blackout – with the front yard perfectly manicured! It continues to be the little things that almost drown out any stupid story they're telling. They've been wandering across the country for weeks, but they're not dirty, they seem to bathe daily, and Charlie

For some reason I was really struck by Owen saying to Nucky, "Joe Masseria has an *army*." He suddenly seemed less like a thug & more important to Nuck than Nuck appreciates. I can certainly believe he'd take Marge & run at the drop of a hat.

For some reason I was really struck by Owen saying to Nucky, "Joe Masseria has an *army*." He suddenly seemed less like a thug & more important to Nuck than Nuck appreciates. I can certainly believe he'd take Marge & run at the drop of a hat.

King Frederick William IV is very interested in seeing ten times more Chalky & Randolph in Boardwalk Empire. Underused & criminally come to King's mind.

King Frederick William IV is very interested in seeing ten times more Chalky & Randolph in Boardwalk Empire. Underused & criminally come to King's mind.

Plausibility went out the window when a POW put on a suicide vest to blow up the VP, if not before. It really shouldn't even be an issue when evaluating the show, unless Estes somehow turns out to be in league with Nazir or something. And Aileen's suicide was obviously one of taking advantage of an opportunity, not

Plausibility went out the window when a POW put on a suicide vest to blow up the VP, if not before. It really shouldn't even be an issue when evaluating the show, unless Estes somehow turns out to be in league with Nazir or something. And Aileen's suicide was obviously one of taking advantage of an opportunity, not

Thank you. I thought he was basically saying "fuck you, Jew," and that Saul took it as such. Saul showed admirable restraint, but seemed to enjoy the opportunity to go over his head.

Thank you. I thought he was basically saying "fuck you, Jew," and that Saul took it as such. Saul showed admirable restraint, but seemed to enjoy the opportunity to go over his head.

I'm with you, HRN. I hate Carrie. She's self-righteous, crazy, manipulative & supremely annoying. It's a TV show so I don't feel bad for rooting for Brody, regardless of whatever horrible things he's involved with. I want him to win & Carrie to lose. Too bad the bad guy always lose on TV.

I'm with you, HRN. I hate Carrie. She's self-righteous, crazy, manipulative & supremely annoying. It's a TV show so I don't feel bad for rooting for Brody, regardless of whatever horrible things he's involved with. I want him to win & Carrie to lose. Too bad the bad guy always lose on TV.

Can't it be both beyond stupid *and* riveting?

Can't it be both beyond stupid *and* riveting?