Biff Wonsley

Boardwalk Empire's opening credits are even longer than Homeland's, though the music is much better on BE.

Boardwalk Empire's opening credits are even longer than Homeland's, though the music is much better on BE.

Brody has all the power in this situation. There's an attack coming, they can't stop it without him. He's probably also close to feeling like he has nothing left to lose. No matter what he does he's going to screw (figuratively) someone, whether the CIA, his family, Walden & his rich friends, Nazir. He has no good

Brody has all the power in this situation. There's an attack coming, they can't stop it without him. He's probably also close to feeling like he has nothing left to lose. No matter what he does he's going to screw (figuratively) someone, whether the CIA, his family, Walden & his rich friends, Nazir. He has no good

Surely Aileen's method of suicide, if not the act itself, was one of opportunity, rather than the result of meticulous planning, all hinging on whether Saul brings along his reading glasses.

Surely Aileen's method of suicide, if not the act itself, was one of opportunity, rather than the result of meticulous planning, all hinging on whether Saul brings along his reading glasses.

Never understood that "confess now & I'll take the death penalty off the table" stuff. Looking at life, in any prison, I'd be asking for the DP to be put *on* the table, please. Easy to say, I know.

Never understood that "confess now & I'll take the death penalty off the table" stuff. Looking at life, in any prison, I'd be asking for the DP to be put *on* the table, please. Easy to say, I know.

"You do not understand what is happening to you."

"You do not understand what is happening to you."

Turco seemed really uncomfortable in that unbelievably tight dress. Reminds me of Carrie-Ann Moss in Vegas.

Turco seemed really uncomfortable in that unbelievably tight dress. Reminds me of Carrie-Ann Moss in Vegas.

How long until that soul-destroying French ditty is replaced by Hey Jude?

How long until that soul-destroying French ditty is replaced by Hey Jude?

Why am I reading reviews of other shows while my wife enjoys this streaming pile? I get that the show's default setting is over-the-top, but the Auschwitz stuff just made me cringe. At least Franke is getting more work here. She was pretty good in Copper.

Why am I reading reviews of other shows while my wife enjoys this streaming pile? I get that the show's default setting is over-the-top, but the Auschwitz stuff just made me cringe. At least Franke is getting more work here. She was pretty good in Copper.

My eyes can't seem to make it down to her waist. Not really sure why. I'll have to try to remember to pay attention to her clothes next ep.

My eyes can't seem to make it down to her waist. Not really sure why. I'll have to try to remember to pay attention to her clothes next ep.

She can be as bad as she wants. When she looks that good I don't really notice things like acting, or chemistry or whatever.

She can be as bad as she wants. When she looks that good I don't really notice things like acting, or chemistry or whatever.