Biff Wonsley

@avclub-792b765aa995daf26cf6f17f519c949d:disqus 'Ferguson claims [pre WW 1] Germany was Europe’s most anti-militarist country' — this sounds like a typo, misprint, big mistakey, but then Wikipedia is never wrong, and Ferguson is an asshole. Also, The War of the World is boring.

@avclub-792b765aa995daf26cf6f17f519c949d:disqus 'Ferguson claims [pre WW 1] Germany was Europe’s most anti-militarist country' — this sounds like a typo, misprint, big mistakey, but then Wikipedia is never wrong, and Ferguson is an asshole. Also, The War of the World is boring.

@avclub-ff3cfb23c2c51860914b8b849da52195:disqus Bingo. It's bad enough, the conservative rhetoric, but that condescending smugness with which it's delivered makes me want to punch him in the face.

@avclub-ff3cfb23c2c51860914b8b849da52195:disqus Bingo. It's bad enough, the conservative rhetoric, but that condescending smugness with which it's delivered makes me want to punch him in the face.

Ok, so Stahl's Carnivale character vs Mercury Man from T2 — I'm going with Stahl creating a tornado & blowing the Terminator to the next state.

Ok, so Stahl's Carnivale character vs Mercury Man from T2 — I'm going with Stahl creating a tornado & blowing the Terminator to the next state.

I remain purposefully ignorant of the history, which allows me to entertain such eventualities. I also maintain the hope that Cesare & Michelotto declare their love & sail off into the sunset together.

I remain purposefully ignorant of the history, which allows me to entertain such eventualities. I also maintain the hope that Cesare & Michelotto declare their love & sail off into the sunset together.

We can only hope Juan dies soon, either from syphilis or sepsis. We were foolish enough to think maybe he had, indeed, changed. There's no reason to torture a boy. Better to tell mom he's being tortured than actually do so. Save the torture for when you're in a tight spot. I We thought mom was going to shoot her son &

We can only hope Juan dies soon, either from syphilis or sepsis. We were foolish enough to think maybe he had, indeed, changed. There's no reason to torture a boy. Better to tell mom he's being tortured than actually do so. Save the torture for when you're in a tight spot. I We thought mom was going to shoot her son &

Check out The State Within, it's on Amazon. A 5-part conspiracy thriller from a few years ago. He's just good, pretty much whatever he's in.

Check out The State Within, it's on Amazon. A 5-part conspiracy thriller from a few years ago. He's just good, pretty much whatever he's in.

Initially, I just felt sorry for Emerson that he'd signed up for this silliness, what with JC's whisper/growl & the not-especially-ominous talk of The Machine. But now I really look forward to watching. Though you expect it to be a simple good guys v. bad guys, it's actually got some grey shades in there. Caviezel has

Initially, I just felt sorry for Emerson that he'd signed up for this silliness, what with JC's whisper/growl & the not-especially-ominous talk of The Machine. But now I really look forward to watching. Though you expect it to be a simple good guys v. bad guys, it's actually got some grey shades in there. Caviezel has

Jack, don't you think? I don't know, but I hope so. Wouldn't have the same kind of impact with anyone else. Lots of emotion for Jack, while everyone else would just shit their pants.

White-haired Guy actor isn't a good bad guy. I like him, actually, but he's too nice to be evil.

Agreed. Not only is the character a douche, the actor gives him no gravity whatsoever. Unless we're meant to believe that a preening adolescent was head of the Pope's army, I suppose. Either way, I hope someone kills him soon. And being ignorant of the history I'm going to maintain that hope. The only complaint about

But, my good Doctor, the theme is actually that of Olivia being shaped by someone else's agenda. Walter & William are those someones & so it is appropriate that Walter, as a someone, must end the shaping. And in as dramatic a way as possible, and without her permission, because that's how they always experimented on

We can stop this scientific phenomenon by scratching the rune with the rough end of a piece of plywood.

I think we do better imagining Olivia in The Matrix, rather than Heroes. It's not a perfect fit, but I'd rather sit through the 2 extra Matrix movies than all of post-season 1 Heroes. Plus, September could be Neo's dad.