Biff Wonsley

My thought at the time was encase alive Olivia in a lead box. Surely the particles she's emitting couldn't pass through lead?

So "commerical" is a typo? I was looking forward to learning a new word.

Nice work, Mr. Monster! Though how the fuck you can reel that off the top of your makes me wonder if you've been ingesting cortexiphan-enhanced cookies.

I expected Tyler to live (before knowing he's actually Klaus,) because I figured the vampire half of him was dying, but the werewolf half would still live, since Klaus didn't turn him into a werewolf.

That's what I wanted to know last night — when/how did Revenge Sensei come into the picture?

I'm not like you, nor is my wife. I admire your fortitude in making it through this painfully, uh, earnest? Sincere? Some word that makes it sound like this was written by history undergrads smoking too much pot. We couldn't make it through the first episode. Our Friends in the North had a great cast & a good, if

Castle is too much fun not to talk about, even if the show itself doesn't really merit serious criticism.

So I wasn't the only one who noticed that. She appears to be unaware of what sells on Showtime.

So long as Herzog doesn't do documentaries on one of the Discovery channels. They'd replace him with Snorgy Weaver or Alec Baldwin, like they did to Richard Attenborough.

Having just recently watched Herzog's cave documentary, well, that was unexpected, to say the least, and a perfectly strange way to end the episode. Herzog has such a soothing voice.

The "weird-ass" reunion had wife & I howling — that's worth an A right there! The episode really went off the deep end there & was all the better for it. That plus the Ricky Spanish cutaways made up for any shortcomings.

And it's not just big bad shootemups. There's a lot of daily, almost silly stuff that street cops have to deal with, giving Cooper plenty of scope for humor between the serious stuff. And LL adds a lot to the show. She's vulnerable, not a tiny woman kicking gangster ass like, say, Nikita.

If only it were Tim Matheson.

They must have given Eddie Iz quite a payday for this steaming pile. Can't imagine why else he'd do it. Gimme that creeping evil plant movie he was in. At least that was entertaining.

That's a bit harsh on Diana! Adoptive Daddy's a murderer, and Birth Daddy is pure, inseminating evil. If anyone has the right to be a hateful bitch, it's our beautiful Diana. She's the only one who isn't automatically trusting of anyone over 30. If she'd been in charge, they'd never be in this much trouble.

@avclub-a9278ae1af4d8ca05de426482744c148:disqus Blackwell is going to put the crystal pebbles in his pants, where they'll be magically transformed into a skull, with luscious lips & a smooth mouth.

Isn't Alaric as powerful as Klaus now? Alaric is full of Mommy juju, he just can't live forever.

Those veins creeping up her neck seemed to give her an orgasmic thrill. I'm guessing that was the dark side seducing her with its power.

Bonnie should wear that red lipstick all the time. Distracts from that crooked face of hers. Not that she isn't attractive. There really aren't any unattractive young people on the show.

Oh, Birds of Prey, how I've missed you so. Or completely forgot about you. One or the other.