Biff Wonsley

Yeah, but it seemed like just a few minutes from sun ray beaming down to DRJ'S death. If 9/11 taught us anything, it's that military response time is never what we hope or believe it should be.

Surely part of the point of DRJ's understated death is that he was never the super villain anyway — he was always Bell's puppet. Maybe.

I'll remember this episode if for nothing else than Olivia chilling down Charlotte. That was like a coming out party for her superpowers. Yes, she's used them before, but I don't think in such a focused way to help one person. I love the whole reluctant superhero not understanding her powers vibe from that scene.

They didn't have any time to call in the cavalry. Boston was just a few minutes from being set alight!

No love for Roswell?

I'm with you, Robothouse. I don't obsess over the credits so it was a big surprise to see Bell show up. His callousness toward Astro's predicament makes me want Walter to punch him in the face. Anyway, I thought Walter was gonna say the nanites were designed by Walternate.

I recently watched both seasons of Carnivàle. "Nolan" appears in an episode where he boinks Clea DuVall's character. He looked almost exactly as he did in last night's flashback.

It does look like a rather sudden leap, but the character is dumb as a box of rocks & easily led. He's getting in way above his head, and he'll need Emily to rescue him. She'll eventually take over Grayson Global.

I don't think so. I told my wife last night that they could've saved money by painting a few lines of face on a block of wood, then inserting the dialogue with a voice-over. The man is the very definition of one-note. Plus the character just isn't intelligent enough to pull it off. Everything that happens is a

Apart from the final shot, this was a fun episode, and is what Castle should aspire to be more often. Sure, they got some of the tone wrong (are they really zombies? OMG?) but Castle had far more funny lines than usual, and the twins did as well. I'd much rather have episodes like this (minus the puppy love) than

1920s. When I'm going out on the town in my time machine, I don't put on my Sinead O records to get me in the mood.

Don't forget, a marklar hit out of the marklar scores at least one marklar.

Had a chuckle at Grosszahn — Big Tooth in German. There were a few other kinda funny word plays in the episode.

Of course he was on Fringe. I thought we were talking about who's a regular on other shows since Lost. Scandal? Doesn't everyone love Shonda Rimes (sp?) shows?

They could've at least played a more contemporary version of You Do Something to Me.

I agree. I liked this episode way more than a C. It wasn't about the cases, it was about Dad & son connecting. And that, for me, was done quite well. If I wasn't a manly man I might have cried at the end there. Plus the girlfriend is just cute as a button.

Don't forget Desmond on Scandal!

I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't Cartman falling in love with a black, or any, girl. That would puss-ify Cartman, and that I cannot abide.

Well that explains Cartman starting off each line about 2 octaves lower. Which explains the pain in my abdomen from laughing so hard.

The guy talking while sitting on the toilet during the Soft Serve commercial was only behind Cartman's singing so far as the best of tonight goes.