Biff Wonsley

Cartman's gruff singing at the start of each line in the song was comedy gold.

It appears your Practice has paid off.

@avclub-539dd8f0bef239887a73fd3b475a07c0:disqus I didn't think you were shouting. I felt dumb for confusing the two shows. I love Steve Harris but can't ever remember his name. I can only hear him say an exasperated "Bobby…" in my head.

Ah yes, thank you.

Anything that gives us more Cary is a good thing. Kalinda is sexy, sure, but her story in the show is as mystifying as her character. She seems to mostly just be reacting to the trouble she's in, but we didn't ever see the things she got in trouble for. Let's see her do something bad & get in trouble for it, not a few

Also, Desmond from Lost — more than enough reason to watch. And he didn't disappoint. HIC is a special animal. And Etta is lovely. Like a pretty Gwyneth Paltrow.

LOL. Yeah, I probably undersold it a bit. But do yourself a favor & pick a nice, sunny, beautiful spring or summer day, open the windows, let plenty of light in, take some vitamin D just in case & enjoy, if that's the right word.

Aww, Caroline turned Tyler into a nice guy! Well, until Klaus turned him back into a dick. That's been my favorite part of the show, watching the character development of Caroline & Tyler. If there's any justice in TVDland, those two will end up together, having horrible werevampire abomination babies.

An enterprising person (or, in my case, a loser with too much time on his hands) will find ways to acquire these sought after gems. Well worth the effort. Though some do eventually arrive, on BBCA or PBS or Audience Network on Directv. The Shadow Line has been on Audience lately. I hope Scott & Bailey shows up here

It is totally awesome. I love David Morrissey, for one. It's got this whole shabby England falling apart vibe, plus a kind of insular regional thing going on. Kinda dark, too.

This has been going on forever but I'll point it out once again. The links to shows on the mobile What's on Tonight page always go to a 404 page. Maybe someday this problem will be addressed?

I can't disagree, but she still exudes that vibe that made me distinctly uncomfortable for a moment, before I discovered who she was and where she was from.

I couldn't figure out why Rose annoyed me so. Then I looked her up — The Walking Dead.

The six day production schedule, for all its problems, still is a testament to just how much fucking money is pissed down the drain on so many animated shows which take months & months to produce, and often are only faintly amusing. Surely there's a happy medium in there somewhere that would facilitate the creation of

You really don't want to spend more than about 1 second thinking about the letter grade. And anyway, shows are generally graded against themselves, so comparing across shows will give you herpes.

Also agreed (apart from the fuck you Marcus.) This was a B just for all the sounds Cartman made.

Hear hear. Augustus Prew's was the most amusing character by far in the first season. I do hope King Charles lets him live to squawk another day. If only someone would post a collection of his scenes on Youtube.

The actress did recently turn 18, so I can at least look at her admiringly without  imagining committing a crime.

Makes me wonder how much cash Stanford is shoveling Castle's way. This is almost a Chuck/Subway level of product placement.

I could almost bear the therapy session if this were a regular part of the show. Unfortunately it was apparently just tacked on so they could spell out the central theme of these last few episodes for non-regular viewers who happened to tune in. I'm only surprised the therapist didn't also hamhandedly help her realize