Biff Wonsley

Katic is not there to be emotive, me thinks. She serves two purposes. One is to be the straight man to Fillion's quips, which she does well, and the other is to look hot, which she also does well. It's certainly legitimate to criticize her acting skills, but for me that's missing the point.

Really? She's my least favorite character, such a annoying martyr! Kenzi has really grown on me this 2nd season, though. She's definitely my favorite, and I prefer her & Bo's repartee more than Lauren & Bo. And it's nice to see that Ksenia Solo has decided to eat this year. It's a fun show, and enjoyable still more

Am I the only person who thought Jackie may have faked her stroke? She looked way to satisfied laying in that bed. I wouldn't put it past her to have paid off some hospital staff to rent a room for a few nights.

Coincidence that the now-dead English guy's name was Thomas Woolsey? Maybe the Cardinal was wesen and lived 500+ years?

Needs more Laura Allen. But otherwise, well done. The facts that the premise is interesting, Wilmer is surprisingly good, and the guy from Boston Legal is funny are all icing on the cake. Jason Isaacs makes this show. I could watch the constant wtf-ness etched on his face all night long. Jesus I hope this show isn't

Good to know, thanks. He has a lovely voice regardless. Not your standard soothing or authoritative bass, but rather one capable of expressing different emotions with the slightest change in tone.

I kind of thought either he wasn't suppressing his accent or he was failing at suppressing it. Maybe I just can't hear him talk without my brain substituting his Lost accent for however he's actually talking. Either way, he's going to have to do some seriously bad work for a seriously long time before I don't enjoy

I take it you've never had the pleasure of seeing MM in A Gifted Man. They must pay her tons of $$ for being in that steaming pile.

Tim is a cool, sure shot badass with a nice, dry sense of humor. I'd very much like to see more of him. He & Art seem to be the only 2 characters who don't put up with Raylan's bullshit, & Tim is a good quiet, menacing partner to Raylan's mouthy taunting of criminals.

Do we know for certain Trooper Tom is day-ed? I couldn't tell where he was shot, but shouldn't he have been wearing a vest? Anyway, looks like Quarles's rail gun got the drop on TT.

rather than as the main reason most viewers tune in


Or 20. Either way, it's about one billion times better than Sud's steaming pile.

Blood-soaked *pregnant* murder sex.

But as with the episode with the runaway kids, when she has something to do she's surprisingly tolerable.

The face meltings was a treat, as was Rosalee. I hope she stays. There was more going on this episode than all but the first. I'd also like more attention to the serialization, but anything that gives us more Monroe is a good thing.

Only on Spartacus would pitching a mother & baby over a cliff be considered the saner option!

I'm not saying Lucretia's religious bullshit was or wasn't real, but surely her motivation for killing Illythia & child was retribution for Illythia locking everyone in during Sparty's slaughter at the end of the first series? Was she really just crazy this season, or crazy like a fox? I just wish she'd mentioned it

Start with Gods of the Arena, though. Just skip the first & last 2 minutes of that series so as to avoid spoilers. This show is fucking awesome.

Ah, thanks. That's too bad, she was my favorite evil character. But she deserved everything for locking Lucretia & friends in so Sparty & his mates could slaughter everyone back in the day.