Biff Wonsley

Yeah, I'm not sure Illythia is dead. I sure hope not. Only wish Glaber had briefly lived to see what happened back at Batty's old place.

@avclub-ffdadafb1ca8a2cabd2d25b26c6dfc5e:disqus @avclub-ad243ee79261779b6a6f10f9a6202c04:disqus Just to be clear, it ain't BD Wong I have a problem with. He's doing his job well, because I hate his character, the arrogant little prick.

I would like more bitchy Diana telling Cassie the Drama Queen to shut up already. That was fun, and needed to be said about 8 episodes ago.

Caroline is, indeed, perfect.

The only thing that can save Bonnie, as Madam Reviewer predicted, is if she turns to the Dark Side. She is such a horrible, pity party of a drag on this show. Fortunately she doesn't take up too much room so it's not such a big deal. But she needs to either turn evil already or be chucked on the scrap heap.

Please don't start talking about ratings. I can't stand the thought of not having Jason Isaacs on my TV regularly. Just getting him piecemeal from the odd short UK series is not enough. I kind of feel that way about Laura Allen, too.

Yeah, that's the problem with phones & pads — the Disqus trick doesn't work. And when you read comments on them, it's just that long string of gobbledegoo. They probably didn't put enough thought into this switch.

I miss Devil's pretty, pursed lips. I know deep down he just wanted to love & to be loved.

The last thing I expected was to see Art firing his weapon. He's setting a bad example for Raylan. Or he actually envies Raylan & wishes he could get out & shoot up shit more himself.

And the tweaker did say that he thought his grandpappy's story was bullshit.

Yeah, I can never tell, nor remember from earlier episodes, if Quarles is trying hard to suppress a stammer & general lack of motor control, or if he's just slowly losing control of all bodily functions due to his escalating drug use. Both would be preferable.

You are correct, and you probably know this, and it is a PITA, but there's one thing you can do to make sure whomever you're replying to gets notified, which is this thingy @avclub-3e4d20980bad82814414cb12fecc0e18:disqus . It ain't long nested replies, and is i piss poor substitute, but it notifies original commenters

If Hauser is the same age as Neill, he was 14 when Lucy & the others disappeared. As they said on South Park in regard to similar situations, "Nice." Of course, that makes Lucy a child sex predator, but these things were swept under the carpet back in the day, I'm sure.

They don't need to replace Madsen with someone more interesting. They already have someone more interesting, and more attractive — Lucy. Sure, there's always room for a woman with a nice rack in any TV show, but Lucy's character is far more interesting, more intelligent, and she & Hauser seem like the only grownups on

The show should've been Neill & Nagra, with everyone else supporting. These two have chemistry, they're the most interesting characters, and they act the pants off everyone else in the show. For large parts of tonight's show I thought the main character was Sarah Jones' breasts. I hope Abrams' name or influence or

I should probably salute Castle on its serious ambitions and encourage it to tackle them head-on next time, without the safety net of gimmicky cleverness

You're almost certainly correct. The very interesting thing about those 2 is both are legendary survivors, yet it may be only one survives the season, and quite possibly at the expense of the other. Who will it be? If one goes, my money's on Lucretia surviving.

Having ignored the credits, I'm proud of myself for recognizing Massee by his eyes. Probably just because I've been watching Carnivale. And of course he's a staple of shows like these, Millennium being my favorite. So put me on the side of those disappointed they covered his face.

Lucretia has to be hoping that Illythia will return the favor & help a sister out. I'm surprised Lucretia hasn't tried to kill Ashur yet. Surely she's had opportunity. He's a slave, no one would be too terribly disappointed, especially if she told them all he raped her. She'll probably end up playing Ashur at his own

I was thinking there was going to be some sort of Illythia/Lucretia/Seppia coven of vengeful women who'd drive the show as Spartacus' antagonists.