Biff Wonsley

I did hear Boyd correctly when he told Raylan that Devil "is moving a little slowly these days," or words to that effect, yes? That is one way to describe Devil, certainly.

The exception being he's kind of a dick on Alphas. Wish he had a bigger role on that show

The "oh my god" was the best-delivered line of the night. Ali is always good, wish he'd get his own series.

I don't watch the show, said I don't know if there is flesh attached to her bones, but you gotta go a long way to beat Chalke. A schoolboy crush made flesh (or bones now, maybe) as a grown woman — how often does that happen?

MLS continues to grow, and is especially popular in places like Seattle. However…

I thought so.

Your matter-of-fact consideration of Stewie shooting & burning Brian has me shaking with laughter. Well done.

Steve peeing in the cheerios is a season highlight. Wife & I howled at that. American Dad does chaos like that so well.

Evil Jeff — master of alt codes. Nice work!

I'm just glad they didn't wait until the final scene of a rather long & boring season to finally have the walkers play the proper part of zombies in a zombie show — you know, that existential threat to our heroes' lives, where groups of them are constantly there, trying to kill them. Because that would be a tremendous

II have a great idea — let's kill our most interesting character & leave all the boring & weak ones. Expect Daryl.

I'm not entirely sure that O has definitively decided to join the fight with Spartacus. He helped end the fight with the Germans, & obviously thinks the temple is the best place to hang out for the moment, but I don't think he's made any decisions beyond that. Maybe I missed something.

There is one huge flaw yet to be addressed in the show — the criminal underuse of Sasha Roiz.

The brain slowly falling out of his forehead was the icing on the cake, so to speak.

I'm not sure if he actually was. I seem to remember him still being in training with his brother when the breakout occurred. I don't remember him getting the brand.

Not that he'll necessarily get any blame for it but, just in case, Ashur gets (another) pass on Gannicus' slaughter, since he has a neverending supply of "I told you so" cards to play with Glaber. And when he finds out that Lucretia tried to get Gannicus to butcher Glaber, and you know he will, he'll have even more

It did move a bit slowly, but there was plenty of tension in the face-off (get it?) between Glaber & Gannicus, and I certainly didn't see coming what Gannicus did, which as almost as awesome as the face cutting-off. There wasn't a lot of action until late, but the Capua intrigue continues to delight, so I found the ep


mutant freaks

It says something about the show that when asked to summarize it those things wouldn't even pop into my mind. Your description makes it seem a much more complicated show than it usually presents itself as. Which is fine.