Biff Wonsley

One guy above did refer to him as The Sweeney, which I've been led to believe was a pretty good tv show back in the day, an ancestor of Life on Mars, (Engrish version.)

Um, well, maybe 50 years ago repeating your MO wasn't such a duh move, & only with modern forensic/investigative techniques are old-timey criminals exposed as easy-to-predict nimrods. I'm willing to suspend a little more disbelief so long as short blonde runs on occasion, exposing her heaving cleavage. And anyway,

Um, well, maybe 50 years ago repeating your MO wasn't such a duh move, & only with modern forensic/investigative techniques are old-timey criminals exposed as easy-to-predict nimrods. I'm willing to suspend a little more disbelief so long as short blonde runs on occasion, exposing her heaving cleavage. And anyway,

Yeah, I'd totally expect Lois to get 20 years to life & disappear from the show.

What, no one chiming in with an "I believe in Dawes?"

But Rudy's finest moment was talking to himself in the men's in E5.

Then Crixus must be hoarding all the food!

Purely happy — that's a perfect way to describe Chuck. It really can't be compared to any other show, so comparisons (like to Lost, below) just don't make sense. Chuck makes me smile & laugh. Doesn't sound like much, but it's what made me love the show.

Thanks for all your reviews Ryan, and for taking this great show seriously. I only joined in the fun this past summer, zipping through the previous seasons in a couple of weeks. So despite being late to the party I really, really love Chuck, though I accept it's time for Chuck to end. The second season showed how

Gannicus was granted his freedom, at the suggestion of good ol' Solonius, to spite Batiatus. So he's roaming free out there somewhere, with whores, drunk, waiting for something exciting to come along. Or he got into trouble with the law, has been enslaved again, and will be freed by Spartacus' merry band of rascals as

That's so true. I hated Batiatus in Blood & Sand, then found myself rooting for him in Gods of the Arena. That really is hard to pull off, yet Hannah managed it perfectly. While I can't imagine Glaber becoming a sympathetic character, the simple fact that he seems to know he's a figure of fun for some people gives me

As others have said, our Spartacus needs to be more ripped than LMc, but I'm guessing/hoping they overlooked that because they know he's otherwise perfect for the part. He'd convinced me by the end, as I was totally in those last few scenes, no longer conscious of the fact that he wasn't Our Andy.

I love Anna Torv, but I still have a hard time getting past the wig. They could've just put her hair up, or something less obviously fake-looking.

Yeah, but one thing that bothered me was Neal taking every opportunity to say something to Peter about his upcoming decision. Don't know if that was for Neal or for us, but I can't imagine that wouldn't annoy Peter more than sway him.

Neal had a few of those "talking about something but really talking about myself" moments, which I think he's really good at. But then I find it hard to find fault with anything MB does.

I agree with the breather episode assertion. I much prefer my White Collar light & breezy, especially now that it's on the same night as Southland Justified. I watch for the usually snappy lines & bromance, not the ridiculous plots. I'm sure I'm not alone. Plus MB is the prettiest man in show business.

In an otherwise fine episode, I wondered if we were supposed to care about Nichols. He just seemed to be a prop to get Art out in the field. Which is fine, it's just that Justified usually develops, even just a bit, little characters like that.

*You* didn't miss it. We all missed it.

Speaking of The Walking Dead, Glenn made it to the quarterfinals of the Australian Open.

Mr. Chaps, in the same vein, I was disappointed that the attack on the precinct wasn't even mentioned. Something that big demands a followup.