Biff Wonsley

Mr. McFarland, all the problems with the episode you present here made me wonder last night if this episode was aired out of order. It certainly felt like something important was missing which would've helped make BMcK's actions actually make sense.

Best night of tv. Justified White Collar Southland. Don't get no better than that. Tuesday night tv is the best invention ever invented.

Motherfucker. Goddamn mobile AV Club site.

Motherfucker. Goddamn mobile AV Club site.

As I said above, I loved the hair. Straight does her no favors. If you have a nice long neck you gotta show it off.

As I said above, I loved the hair. Straight does her no favors. If you have a nice long neck you gotta show it off.

That's true. He still needs to be given more to do. He's a really good comic actor.

Agreed. I actually welcomed the cute, especially after another failed stab at serious in one of the previous episodes (they all kind of run together, really.) The guest woman from White Collar is lovely & Castle's daughter is beyond cute now, well into dirty old man territory (she's 18 now I believe, & I'm much, much

Should've said I don't watch non-animated comedies.

Whoa there, can't let that pass without comment! Bewitched is great, even just for Elizabeth Montgomery, who is stunningly hot in really cool clothes. Take a look at reruns some time. If you're a straight male you won't be able to take your eyes off her. The show's not bad either.

Check the comments from the first review. I think you'll find they're generally positive. It's cheesy but fun sci-fi tv, especially if you like a show with strong women, who are also hot.

Fair enough. Those don't come immediately to mind as I don't watch comedies. Drama or GTFO in our house.

Rip Van Winkle-y shows/movies are my favorite kind of sci-fi. Not that I can think of any others right now. And yes, BftP is sci-fi, among other things.

We (I) care about Book of Mormon & that tickets are hard to come by, thereby making planning a trip to NYC difficult. Don't care about the Tonys, though.

Why does NBC deserve anything? Apart from being replaced as a broadcast network by (insert your favorite cable channel.)

Megahertz & Lozengschlong. One can hear radio waves (not unlike the guy on Alphas,) the other soothes your throat after a blowjob.

Oh, come on. DVR it & FF to SWM's scenes. Surely that's worth 10 minutes of our time!

Surely the best part was "Lester, this is Colonel John Casey…" That was almost as cool as when Chuck told Morgan he's a spy.

Wait til you see Crixus slowly pull the intestines out of a slave-trader in an attempt to get him to talk. Spartacus returns!

Damon's chuckle when the dead witches "attacked" Klaus made the show for me. Little touches like that, slyly letting us see that as the camera moves back to Klaus, are another reason I love this show.