Biff Wonsley

"Super-special dark magic killing plan"

I share your sentiments.

Were we not to believe that the plane went down in the '90s? That would kind of predate "extraordinary rendition." But then The Dog That Wouldn't Die exists on this show, so even if that were the case…

I don't feel all that bad for Jack, either. He's not even hospitalized, FFS. Working class people on TV pride themselves on their ability to take a beating, or dish one out. He's probably feeling like less of a man for getting his ass beat, in addition to feeling responsible for FauxManda leaving town. Poor little

I doubt he'd come clean to Victoria. If he always knew David Clarke was innocent & Victoria's role in the frame-up, he's not likely to suddenly become chummy with her.

Victoria "knows" the DNA test proves FauxManda is really Amanda. She'd have to be motivated to do another DNA test, which means she'd probably have to know/figure out that her lawyer was in on the fix. Not saying it couldn't happen.

Yes, Emily's look at the end was awesomely revengeful. And thanks for pointing out the arson aspect of the tape under Jack's bed. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, & could only think that he'll watch & find out the truth about David Clarke. Which would be weird.

That's not entirely fair to Nolan. 
His moral disgust is not more telling than yours or mine. He's been totally into revenging against people who deserve it, but no more than that.

Victoria's more than happy to have Daniel be dumb if it serves her. She needs his help against his father, and if Daniel turns on her she'll have only Charlotte, who isn't her biggest fan right now.

I did not know that Milch had been a heroin addict, and I don't know if that has anything to do with why I liked (if not understood) John From Cincinatti. I was addicted to heroin while the show was on the air and, perhaps for that reason, it felt like a meandering, deadening trip that was going nowhere but was

Yeah, either Tina or Cissy is Shaun's mom. Can't be both. Probably.

Neal is perfectly capable of getting into trouble w/o the anklet. He may lose it, but surely he'll be on probation or several more years, just one step away from being back in the joint or at least with another anklet. He'll always be tempted, family or no family. And apart from Peter, no one else at the FBI will ever

Good call. Only Drago (as Nitti in The Untouchables) could make a compliment like "Nice house" sound so menacing & sinister.

Well, Art did call Raylan an asshole (or was it dick?) tonight. Not exactly fightin' words, but perhaps a portent.

He's not dead, but he will be in jail, and so less likely to be much of a protagonist.

No love for Southland?

The tension did dissipate rather quickly, but I'd rather that than drag out the end-of-the-bromance kidnap-related fight between the two. I want my White Collar more breezy than tense, & hope we get more of it than not this season.

While I might have wanted a little less seriousness to finish my evening after Justified & Southland, it's still great to have The Prettiest Man in Show Business back on TV. You just have to roll with the belief-suspending punches & enjoy the bromance, which I'm glad we'll be getting back to next week. Good twist at

Really wish they hadn't taken Fletcher off the table so soon, though that was a wonderful scene. He looks like a young Lance Henrickson, and every bit as creepy. Good start regardless.

The shooter was the guy at the coffee shop that Cudlitz gave the stink eye to, yes?