Biff Wonsley

If you have DirecTV they have 7 or 8 channels showing everything going on at the Australian Open live. And most of it's on while we're sleeping.

Southland! White Collar! Justified!

I thought you were going in the direction of Beckett being found in a pick-up artist's date book — photo, nickname & all.

I didn't catch it, either, but in defense of us who didn't, Castle doesn't exist in the same part of our brains as serious, lefty-ish exposes. Maybe if the vic had taken time off to write silly mystery novels about a hot New York cop.

Anyone who was in Defying Gravity can't be all bad.

Anyone who was in Band of Brothers can't be all bad.

In case you don't know — there's a 2nd half to the current 2nd season, starting the 22nd, I believe.

That's a bold statement, Carrie. Emily Thorne has ninja skills!

My wife loves Lost Girl. We've been watching since it first aired on Canadian TV. The combination of strong, independent, smart woman, who isn't a stick figure (though Kenzie is) with some interesting sci-fi/supernatural elements is pretty cool. And there are a lot of likable characters in it, too.

Let's get the "oh no the 3rd season is so much worse" crap out of the way already so we can just talk about this episode.

Maybe not, then. Just seems a bit odd. He wants her exclusively & she interprets that as a marriage proposal. I just like her tattoos.

Dinklage doesn't deserve to win just based on that stupid "accent." That was the height of silliness. That, and the dragon eggs. Painful to watch. Needs more incest.

Yeah but where is the show going to go when the pioneers reach their destination? What then? What then?

If Cary was helping the firm shoot itself in the foot last week, he really sold it well, and will bear the wrath of Alicia if that turns out to be true.

How did Cary acquire a copy of the forgery? Unless F Murray gave it to him, it wasn't Cary.

I thought he just meant he didn't want her screwing anyone else. That's a long way from marriage.

The sky did look beautiful, though.

So, if you could erase either The Killing or Hell on Wheels from your memory, you'd choose Hell on Wheels? Granted, most people would probably ask for both but, if they're on the same level of terrible, HoW at least has the better actors.

Brought to my mind Archer saying in Skorpio (yes, I had to look it up) "…that got a little dark." Definitely would've worked better as black comedy. Or any kind of comedy.

Or to put it another way, few shows have done less with more in our recent television past.