Biff Wonsley

Because the damn Swede blabbed it all over US Marshaltown that Bohannon killed a bunch of rapey Union soldiers, and that this guy was his next target.

Without question, and it's down entirely to Sasha Roiz, who's a pretty compelling onscreen presence regardless. I loved him in Caprica (RIP) and was excited to see he'd be in Grimm. The more they give him to do, the better the show will be.

Needs more Cary.

Don't rain on our parade, man.

Sgt. Brody just shades it. But Eddie's in an entirely different category.

A glimmering? I'll take a sly wink in the top right-hand corner of the screen, just before an ad break. Something, anything — we haven't learned one thing about the captain in several episodes.

SWM is reason enough to watch the show. Maybe some day they'll move beyond the bland, monster of the week stuff & give us some compelling back story already. It hardly matters that he's a Grimm, and his aunt might as well never have existed, for all the good that part of the story has done, which is pretty much

Thank you. I'll have to start paying closer attention to the, uh, stuff I never paid attention to.

Compared to Chuck tonight's Nissan placement was so subtle as to go unnoticed.

Maybe if they can have every character drive a Nissan in every episode they'll have enough money to make a 5th season.

However old she is, she's beautiful. Anna Torv is lovely, Orla Brady lovelier.

Does the hand at the end of show always have 5 fingers + thumb? My wife noticed that, but otherwise we never really pay attention to the symbols before the ad breaks.

Are there Observer hospitals & doctors who can treat him?

Exactly. Broyles has been replaced.

Olivia1 looked tanned, and a bit older tonight. In a totally good way. A more mature, grownup Olivia, or Anna. Whatever. She looked better than ever before tonight. Fauxlivia not so much. That hair just doesn't work.

Sherlock the show is about Cumberbatch & what's-his-name bantering together. The rest is icing on the cake. Hound wasn't so good because they weren't together enough. Still more enjoyable than 90% of whatever else is on.

That was awesome, some seriously great Chuck. So much to love. Sarah asking Chuck if he'd had a look at Bo Derek's "boobies" a highlight for me. Also, how they kept using Bo Derek's full name to her face ("So, what are you doing here, Bo Derek?") I was 10 when 10 the movie came out. Fortunately a friend's much older

Come on, now, people Did any of us actually watch Rob? I thought not. For all any of us know, Rob totally kicks ass & we're all missing out by not watching it. I realize that this is not likely, but we must consider the possibility.

Why did Jake show up at the dance (if it was he who saved the girls?) Makes me think he may also have been affected by Faye's antics, and his Advanced Witchy Radar led him to the school. But I'm really hoping it was dad who saved them.

Luminary or The Fourth Horseman