Biff Wonsley

Klaus' dad was killed a few episodes back when Stefan saved Damon by not killing Klaus.

I have a hard time getting over the crooked face. I need my TVD characters to all be flawlessly beautiful.

That's the one (not really a) problem I have with this this show. Klaus just isn't scary. That's why his scene with Caroline worked so well. The actor is much better at being Friendly Caring Klaus than Evil Klaus. Sorry, but a lisping little man with a lovely voice (no matter how good-looking some may feel he is) just

Everything Shelly Hennig does in this show is very distracting. Her supermodel beauty outshines everything else that goes on in The Secret Circle. So basically her looks are the only reason to watch. It's a pretty good reason.

Does anyone get the idea that Cassie's dad is alive? No info in the town records and, uh, that's it. I guess it was Jake who was next door, & who saved them at the dance. So probably not. But that would at least add some interestingness to the show.

Jesus I'm an idiot. Opportunity not missed.

We may be learning soon how Emily deals with spanners in her revenge works if her framing of FauxManda goes awry, what with all the security cameras in Atlantic City. Surely she planned for potential problems, though, as she did with Tyler & the not-loaded gun.

Institutionalized Amanda the Firestarter would be devious enough to surreptitiously acquire matches with which to satisfy her fire lust.

No need to apologize. Perhaps you could expand on this in some fan fiction?

Party pooper

While I wouldn't mind seeing Daniel meet his maker, surely our producer friends at Revengeville won't make the obvious choice.

It wasn't the most complicated or subtle episode, but I agree that this one was most satisfying. Sometimes you just want your blood lust sated.

It would create some problems for Amanda, which could be interesting. Real Emily could spin a yarn that would make Victoria uncomfortable, but the cops would just think she's crazy, spouting conspiracy theories.

Yeah, the teasing of girl-on-girl juvie prison sex needs a payoff.

The truth about the frame job! Unfortunately, Mason's dead, so the possibility that he/it could come back to bite Emily is gone. Opportunity missed.

In the Flogging a Dead Horse Dept (eh, I'm bored…)

What did James K. Polk ever do to Mr. Nugent? Why not William Henry Harrison? What a waste of space that guy was.

Not to be "that guy" or anything, but my RSS reader & the mobile site told me this was a review of Luther. Which I would've liked, though I have no idea if/when Luther might be airing on US TV. Ah well…carry on.

The Swede thinks Bohannon committed murder, & feels threatened by goody two-shoes Bohannon's good relationship with Durant. Might put the Swede's swindling setup in jeopardy. Can't disagree with anything else.

The one thing I'm missing here — is there anything more going on between Slowburn Bohannon & Madam Hotness? If there's been more than an ambiguous meeting of the eyes or two I've missed it. So the idea of a love triangle being an issue between Durant & Bohannon doesn't really work for me. She looks down her nose at