Biff Wonsley

See The Day the Earth Stood Still for how Hamm sucks the life out of most scenes in which he appears. I don't watch Mad Men so that's all I have to go on.

Does anything other than ratings matter at all? I'm thinking not really.

At one point he got them their late pay, & I think a raise later on (I may be imagining this.) That would engender some good feelings towards most bosses, I imagine.

Thanks for the Anson Mount love. He, along with Lily Bell's loveliness (I didn't say she could act,) are the only good things about this show. So despite your well-founded criticism, I'll continue to watch. I am not ashamed.

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Thanks for the vagina joke. I'm gonna claim it as mine for use next time my wife's friends are over. Should be a big hit.

As small bone thrown to the idea of female objectification in Chuck. A very lovely bone.

We might not be saying that if they'd been given full seasons to plan for after S2. They absolutely killed in the one full season they had. Who knows how good the show could've been if they weren't forced to shoehorn miniarcs into the drip drip of additional eps NBC were spooning out in S3 & S4.

Lester should've been in drag the whole series. This seems obvious after the fact.

Agreed. It's so nice to actually laugh instead of eyeroll & grit teeth during Jeffster's antics.

Intersect in Downton Abbey would've made S2 watchable. If only…

So it's OK for your kid to have his eye put out by the big bully wielding one of those, uh, fairly soft red rubber balls? Shame on you.

We have the ashes of some of our cats above our (unused) fireplace, along with paw prints in claw, all prepared by whoever is contracted out for this service by our vet. I never look at them. They make me sad.

Horticulturists compete for flower supremacy in War of the Roses!
Old people compete to see who can live longest in The 100 Years War!

Even better is when a commenter refers to another with the ampersand trick — on the mobile site it just comes across as @fyjvdgh25htcv56gjgfh6hg65hdc. Which doesn't really help much.

Azaria says what?

Dial M for Murderousness > The Erotic Adventures of Hercules

Chuck Connors > Dean Norris > Chuck Norris

Did someone mention Gwyneth Paltrow?

None are better than all those meteor movies on SyFy.