Biff Wonsley

I like it a lot more than The Office, which is a little too uncomfortable to watch for me. Extras is a little livelier & puts me in a good mood. Plus great guests! It's RG's best work IMHO. Only perhaps underrated due to its being the follow-up to The Office. Plus great theme/end of ep song by Cat Stevens.

Let's not forget Kate Winslet with her Holocaust Oscar predicting-the-future scene. Or is it not cool to like her & her hotness? I dunno, but she was a hoot on Extras.

Wow. That is pretty much a perfect summation of a supremely annoying character. I'm not sure anything more can be said about her. Nice work.

I'm pretty sure that happened on South Park.

People still watch The Simpsons?

Shut up, Seth. You got your 9/11 joke, be happy with that.

But Family Guy used to be funny. The Cleveland Show was never funny. If that counts for anything.

Good call on the 911 joke.

Thanks for the details. I knew I liked the requisite ethnic joke, just couldn't remember what it was. I'll look you up when I get to hell.

Yeah, I get that all the time when I try to show people my collection of amputee porn. Pisses me off.

But it's going to be hard to live with it if you've just destroyed the source of your husband's future income. She just shot her future in the foot.

I can't disagree with you at all. It's just that I'm judging Margaret by my standards, today, which I use to decide if I want to keep watching this show.

Affection for Kate Beckett is anything but irrational!

Actually they did. YMMV.

There are hardly any main characters left!

Amen to that. Hardly worth watching without Jimmy.

Well I'm done. Jimmy was by far my favorite character. He was the glue holding the show together. Not sure I wanna watch a show full of supporting characters. Nucky ain't got it, too one-note. Plus that superstitious idiot Margaret. Ugh.

How far did you get in Neverland?

Caprica RIP

Like Tig he had to turn them around so they wouldn't look at him.