Biff Wonsley

I heard he hated Terriers.

Yeah but is the W pronounced like a V or has it been Americanized to a wuh?

You must train yourself to press Stop when the credits roll, Grasshopper.

Fletch for the win. I love you, man.

Do we get a hint that Carrie may have understood that Brody burned her?

Ha! You should see him in concert. Over the top is his default mode. In a good way.

Band of Brothers, people! That run across the fields in the smoke, then stopping to shoot the young German…I still go back & watch that one scene. Simply awe-inspiring.

I've said before and still believe there is no mole. One isn't necessary & would just be distracting anyway.

Whoops. Sorry Meredith. I swear I've been reading these reviews. Don't know how I missed the joke. Farewell Boss, until next we hear the sucking sound of Starz' money going down the drain.

And here I was having fun, you big wet blanket.

The more you think about OUaT the more obvious it becomes that you shouldn't think any more about it. So stop it already! It's just sounding dumber & dumber the more we discuss it.

Daddy's gone when Daddy was going will probably always be my favorite. A little too on the schnoz, but I accept that.

Yes! Up there with Terriers & Millennium's 2nd season (obviously.) OK, a little more than a decade.

Morgan only forgot Star Wars while his brain was fried by the poisoned Intersect, IIRC.

You've done a fine job, Meredith. You've done far more than just say you don't like it, or simply nitpick. It's a strange show, not really like anything else on tv right now. I appreciate their effort, but so much of it just doesn't make sense. I don't need verisimilitude, but the murders & beatings strain credulity.

Would also make faux look like a thief for somehow stealing Amanda's diary. She'll be suspected of killing the real Emily & assuming her identity.

Jack's a lame simpleton blinded by puppy love. He needs a wake up call. Someone that good-looking wouldn't have made it this far in life w/o a hot girlfriend unless he had serious issues. No sympathy for the big baby.

Yeah, I really need some revenge soon. I didn't sign up for slow burns & long cons.

Quintuplets: Dave Clarke's Five

I'd pay someone just to lower his voice a few octaves. He & Charlotte sound like two girls talking.