Biff Wonsley

We record all the reruns on Cartoon Network, so we always have a big pile of AD to watch whenever nothing else on TV excites us.

Thank you. Fucking people, man.

After watching that how-they-make South Park special, it continues to amaze me that so much money & so much time is wasted putting one fucking episode of AM or FG together. Everyone's got a goddamn finger in the pie.

I had that same idea about the dirty pictures for a slideshow. Amazing that two average Joes like us could come up with a great idea like that, yet a room full of writers can't see the possibilities inherent in such a fine idea. These writers must be the castoffs from TWD.

The best part of the show is the fair-haired maiden of the west. Who cares about story or acting or any of that namby-pamby bullshit. She's lovely. The more she's onscreen the less I care about everything else.

The best lesson for how not to use black powder is the whole Guy Fawkes debacle, if indeed the powder he used & the powder on HoW are the same thing. If not, please disregard.

I could never hate you, not after everything you've done for me. If you have to go, I understand, but don't ever forget what we had together, you hear me? Never!

You young people & yer comics. How about Bloom County?

Talk about convenient — leaving the cell phone is such a lazy way for the writers to make sure the body is found. Just saw the same thing on Sons of Anarchy 1st season episode. And probably a dozen other shows as well. Be more creative for fuck's sake. Still liking the show despite its flaws & outlandishly silly

Reyes couldn't go public with the threat on her brother because she was covering up one of his unpunished crimes, IIRC.

Oh come on. That was weeks ago. And that was Meredith, not Kevin. Point taken, but the point's also getting ground down to a dull nub. Let it go.

Pilot episode of Revenge

No mention of the pod racing scene in Phantom Menace? Turn up the stereo to 12 & enjoy. Coolest sound ever in a movie.

But whether the order came in late or not seemed to be a case of he said/she said. The defense never challenged that, though. They just accepted it as given. So I suppose it was. Military justice is harsh, and doesn't seem to have much in common with justice (I've known some JAGs, I'm not getting all my military

So was it established that there was both a spy *and* a demon spy dragonfly? I kind of drifted off somewhere after the dragon fly.

That would be a good reason to kill him off. We all know traitors should be executed.

Don't worry. I'm offended. Or I would be if I cared.

Molly C. Quinn recently turned 18. I still feel like a perv looking at her, but those with unclean thoughts can rest easy.

It is entirely necessary to have the Beckett bra & pantie show. Stana Katic may or may not be able to act. I'm not really bothered. She plays a good straight man to Fillion's smartass, and she look fabulous.