Biff Wonsley

Good for you, Carrie! Whether or not I agree with your review, it's nice to know there's another Castle lover on staff. Please drop by from time to time.

You were not alone. Usually the folks who hate the serious Castle are all over this board (relative to the not-huge numbers who watch here,) pointing out, once again, how eye roll-inducing they are.

I enjoyed it. But then I'm not particularly bothered by ham-handed attempts to be edgy.

I'm not at all sure the FG family wants up to take any of it seriously. I'm not sure *they* take it seriously. I think they just take an issue & try to be offensive, unaware that not everything offensive is funny. I'm all for FG being as offensive as possible. I don't even need it to make sense. I'd just prefer it be

Plenty of sense, apart from the Texas bit. I live here. They (many of them) really are like that. Right down to the Super Devil.

Good to know that there is one definitive opinion about FG. We gotta make sure no one who likes it (no matter how obviously retarded they must be) gets a word in edgewise. I'll keep my shame private, because there's no room here for clowns like me who just want to see how offensives FG can be. The higher on the

Popular Mobilization for the L isn't justifying treason & assasination. He wants to see it happen in Homeland for the purposes of drama. I find it hard to disagree. But then I've been arguing that the twist ending to tonight's episode is a good one, not a portent of the decline of the show's integrity.

More than a few people here seem to really want something, anything to latch onto to criticize this show (not picking on you.) It's a show about spies. I expect some sudden twists. The producers must have watched Rubicon & thought "this is good, but we need a little more to hook the audience." I don't see anything

At this point what's the difference? If Brody knows the terrorists, knows there's some plot, then whether he's a direct participant or not he's a traitor in the CIA's eyes. There's no going back for him if anyone finds out.

Let's not bring Homeland down to the level of The Killing. Homeland has already proved itself worthy. A poor ending might be unsatisfying, but surely it can't ruin the previous, awesome 9 episodes.)

But she seems so damn upset that his job is his #1 priority. Why would it take 15 years for her to realize "this ain't for me?" I've been married for 12 years to someone who often works long hours 7 days a week. It would be churlish of me to now suddenly start complaining about it & blame this fact for our marriage

I took it to mean that he no longer wishes to participate in whatever they have planned. Either way it's a dangerous thing for him to say, indicating that he is now a liability.

I want Mandy to break out in song. Nothing could be more natural after each of Carrie's visits to his house. He shuts the door, orchestra fades in…"Somewhere, over the rainbow…"

Yeah, but doing so is kind of awkward, and you most likely still have to look at the keyboard. You can feel your way across the top of the keyboard to F5 without ever looking down.

Oh come on, Nina has hardly been a good guy, always harboring secrets, with William Bell her real master. She's certainly more evil now, but it's hardly manipulative. We were led to believe something sinister about her anyway while she was obviously lying re: the invisible baby.

Also, did Saul's wife just learn last week what his job entails? Surely she should've figured it out about 14 years & 11 months ago that he's not always going to be around when she needs him.

Sure there was more action, but the stupid continues to hurt on this show.

I don't think it's a pretty sudden twist out of nowhere (sudden, yes.) With Brody's appearance at the end we learn that not only did he lie initially to the CIA, he also lied to Carrie in an attempt to gain her trust (I didn't tell the truth the first time, but I am going to tell *you* the truth now.)

Nina, regardless of the universe she inhabits, is always playing an angle. So just when I think we've finally found a nice Nina, she once again shows her true colors. Couldn't tell if she has the Steve Austin hand, though.

I like that — but how would Chuck always have an Intersect in his head, naturally? Details. I hope it's true. I really, really miss Chuck having Intersect 2.0. He used it with humanity. It was his tool. It did not define him. Plus it's always cool to have a secret weapon.