Biff Wonsley

More like Lemon Party Chairman.

More like willingness to say fuck you to the audience.

I give it a grade lower than I would otherwise just for making me think they'd killed off Daryl. I was ready to jump ship if the most interesting character was dead.

Clearly her mania was fiddling with Carrie's decision-making powers with or without her meds. She was feeling invincible, which is a real problem for manics. She needs lithium asap. I have a hard time believing someone with her obvious illness could hold a job at the CIA for long. But I don't care, because this is a

Like me. In the white supremacist bar in my mind, I wouldn't know who Brody is, and he'd kick my ass because of it.

They're just more awesome versions of floppy drives.

Yeah, but watching the SD rips of the show is really all you need if you're watching on a laptop. HD is nice, but not mandatory for small screen. AVI also looks great on a phone.

Watch the first 2 seasons. You can decide for yourself after that, but the 2nd season is one of favorites seasons of any TV show. If you like Chuck the TV show, you'll love the 2nd season.

I hope he keeps the tips. Makes him look less like a gross, smelly underwear-wearing douche. Which I guess he's supposed to be.

Surely girlfriend has got something going on. I need to believe this, because she makes boyfriend look positively life-like & three-dimensional, and he's got as much personality as a door knob. If she's not there for a reason that is indeed a very big problem. In addition to her sunken cheeks, which make her look like

No no no. Sassy Black Partner is only the 2nd weakest part of this show, next to his bland partner.

Should've cast someone other than a Brandon Routh-alike for the lead. He certainly has been rather wooden, but in addition he's just bland. I prefer my leads to look more interesting. Not movie star handsome, but interesting. Like Silas Weir Mitchell. The less we see of him, the less interesting this show becomes.

Reviewing this show from a political perspective is certainly a legitimate exercise, but not necessarily best for TV Club. That might require someone more versed in 20th century political history, while here on staff I'm guessing the reviewers are pop culture experts. Without doubt, then, some of what the producers of

He'll forever be Uncle Jimmy to me.

You came back! Thanks, Todd. I was certain you'd forsake us this week, but it looks like you just couldn't stay away from this steaming pile. My wife ridicules me for watching, but it's worth it to read your reviews, Frankie F or no Frankie F.

Yeah, but if he hadn't said that, no way you would've known what he's doing. Just as when he narrates his own surgery, or a computer screen says "downloading super secret encrypted file that might get our hero killed for stealing" helps us understand what exactly our hero is doing.

So as long as all the cool kids are watching it, you'll watch it. But not until.

I'm so confused.

Katherine is so obviously playing Damon, who loved Katherine back in the day. I don't understand the problem with her playing the humanity card. She's always playing some angle or other. Why assume she isn't now?

Did the last remaining stake from the original tree burn up with Mikael? If so, how are they ever going to rid themselves of Klaus? I vote for tossing him in molten steel at some steel-producing plant in China. Surely he can't regenerate like Captain Jack if he completely disintegrates.