Biff Wonsley

A better contrivance would be Grace being run over by a bus. At least they had the good sense not to burden the episode with both children.

This episode did a great job showing that when the govt slaps the "terrorist" label on you, you no longer have any rights, whether they can prove anything or not. Pretty scary stuff. I can't see any way that power could be abused. No sir.

She's at least the 2nd woman lawyer character who plays ditzy to manipulate people, Mamie Gummer being the other.

I think you were switching back & forth from Castle to your recording of The Good Wife, unless I missed Titus in there somewhere.

You should be writing for the show. This would be a kickass episode.

The lesson for tonight is that, as an ensemble they work very well together, most of the time. Divide them up & it's a roll of the dice whether it'll work. Tonight it didn't work all that well. Well enough for me to enjoy it, but the two sidekicks didn't get their usual quota of funny, and Katic is fairly useless

Yeah, but that's probably exactly what we're going to need to believe to get through the Hershel v. The Interlopers episode/s coming up. Never once will Rick say "well, OK, Hershel, we'll just go stay in any one of the 10,000 other farms in the area."

This is the elephant in the room that our dumbass characters are too stupid to notice. They're in an area where there must be thousands of farms. But they have to stay at *this* one, and this one only because, well, just because. I'm assuming we're going to have a big ol' fight about them wanting to stay & Hershel not

So why exactly do they have to stay at Hershel's farm? Aren't they in an area where there must be another farm every 5 miles or so down the road? In an area where there must be thousands & thousands of farms? But let's ignore that so we can waste a whole episode trying to break Hershel down until he tells them all to

Brian took Meg to prom several years ago. He ate someone's barf, told off the prom queen & then made out with Meg, who then developed a crush on him. This led to a funny joke with Brian saying something about eating Meg's pie to Lois.

Also what @avclub-e4e9251ca67cd942c5dc96d3e41328ec:disqus & @avclub-e4854c5608c54d96a6b3f76b9414a746:disqus said. It's the funny (if you find them funny) bits that keep me coming back. Plot & character development or consistency would be nice, I suppose, but I'm not bothered by the half-assedness of those elements.

Of course you can complain about it, but it's like complaining that pudding looks like puke. It's always looked like puke. I judge Family Guy based solely on whether the individual bits make me laugh, not whether the stories make any kind of narrative sense, because they rarely do.

Yeah, sorry I didn't see yours til after I'd posted. ManUre definitely gotta wish they had Wesley, esp after Cleverly went down. I'm a Roma man myself and so take joy in Inter's continued demise, and care not a jot for Sir Dickhead's problems.

Someone on the show is clearly a Dutch and/or Italian soccer fan. Specifically the Dutch national team or Inter Milan. Can't be a coincidence that the baddie's brother is named Wesley Sneijder. Look him up, if you care.

Mags finally got something to do, though I feel sorry for her being in this steaming pile after Justified. I continue to watch for Michael Holt, but the other characters treat him like dirt, as if he's obligated to do whatever they insist he do. He needs to tell then all to fuck off, and the show needs to dump the

They're teenagers. Petty personal stuff is the rule, not the exception. I just wish they'd get over their collective stupidity & realize that Jake is evil. Makes them all look even dumber than most teenagers.

Ha, until now I didn't even realize she was missing. Wish I could impart this realization to the writers. Let's just pretend Melissa never existed. Though that would mean we'd never have Lili Taylor guest star as her mother.

I'm waiting for Faye to beat the shit out of everyone. She looks an order of magnitude larger than everyone on the show bar Dough Face Witch Hunter.

Yeah, but Cassie's super black magic witchy powers compelled the body from all the way across the lake to the dock. There's no reason to believe that the body was just a few feet under the dock. Well, OK, there is reason to believe, but I'm going with the super black magic explanation.

I'll keep watching. But the intro & any talk of "The Machine" makes it sound like it was dreamed up by small, not particularly bright, children.