Biff Wonsley

Geico guy might not want to sit by the phone waiting for calls from his agent. He looked like he just stepped off the set of another Geico ad. Might want to find something with which to distinguish himself, maybe start by changing the hair.

My wife called it early & wasn't too humble to remind me of it the rest of the evening. I have a soft spot for Mr. Mars, but my wife has never seen VM, so she wasn't blinded by love for our bald friend.

If you eat at McDonalds then by definition you can't favor a more equitable distribution of wealth in this country. Goes without saying.


Rebekah was originally Raghild, and Rick is just giving us its modern equivalent in translation. Elijah was Eldgrim.

Rumpletumskin. Definitively.

You people have been watching soaps longer than me. This is the most obvious conclusion, and therefore the one that never occurred to me.

Richard Armitage, star of the first series, was killed off because he's down in Australia filming one of those elf movies.

You can also download it if you know where to look. I've just started it, two episodes in. It was produced for Sky, and for whatever reason isn't chock full o' sex & gore. Regardless, the first arc is entertaining & morally ambiguous, so check it out of you can. I prefer the 2nd series' two main characters, but

One week later…I find the accent police grating at best. I can't think of a reason to get bent out of shape over an actor's accent apart from "look at me, I just figured out that Dominic West isn't an American." Who cares. If you're looking for verisimilitude, TV probably isn't the place to start.

She's a female alpha kitty with one working eye & surgically-repaired mouth who rules our home (4 other cats) with an iron paw. She's meaner than dirt (toward other cats.) So maybe they could fight anyway.

Sorry for misleading you, and thanks for the clarification.

Actually he watched her apartment explode from across the street, ran to her apartment (even though it had just exploded) & found her in the tub. He did not save her. It was during one of the "Beckett hunts down her mother's killer" episodes, and a two-parter if I recall. Was either a sweeps month or season-ender, but

Of course Castle won't die but, much as it pains & embarrasses me to say so, I still love how Beckett is so happy to see Castle is alive. I'm the reason they keep up the will they/won't they charade. It still works on me. I'll go hang my head in shame now.

Thanks for that. I just watch it for the laughs & the dreamy looks Katic gives to Fillion. Yours is a more interesting reason, but of course it wouldn't matter if the show didn't have other things going for it.

The kid knows because he's EQ's father or something. He's named Henry, her dad was Henry, so maybe killing the thing you love most for the curse means that this killed thing haunts you for the duration of the curse. That's what I'm going with.

If you watch them all in a week you'll enjoy it. It ain't season 2, but it's still Chuck. Chuck is supposed to make you happy for 42 minutes. Anything more is gravy. Season two had lots of gravy.

Season two will make you smile, especially the last 5-6 episodes. Do yourself a favor & watch it.

I had no idea that was Mark Hamill. Or Craig Kilborn. Age has not treated them well.

Wow. Nice work. The only thing you left out was Hank's love for the word "beaner." Not that you didn't imply it with the jingoistic comment.