Biff Wonsley

Frank was totally surprised by Lydia's reaction. He could've taken her down easily, but she felt her life was threatened. He didn't go there to kill her, but she didn't know that.

Holy shit Kristen Bell is 5' 1", vs. EVC's 5' 8".

Every time I look at Emily VanCamp I see Tatum O'Neal in Little Darlings, my first R-rated movie, which I sneaked into with a fake ID, back when you could get away with embarrassingly poor fake IDs.

Not as weak as Lydia's green screen fall. That was Bridget/Siobhán-boating-on-Ringer bad.

We don't want a conviction, we want blackmail. I look forward to Frank opening up his gloogle email & finding footage of him killing Lydia. The look on his face in that one scene alone will justify his presence on the show.

Yeah, but how then could he afford to go to Univ. of Rich People? If he was on scholarship that would be pretty hard to hide, especially at a small uni.

It's become pretty clear already that it's a pretty bad idea to have Emily "in the way." So I expect Ripley to end up drawn & quartered.

Emily can't be bargained with. She can't be reasoned with. She doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And she absolutely will not stop, ever, until revenge is exacted from everyone who has wronged her.

Nolan is filthy, dirty, stinking rich. He can buy his way out of anything, just as he can hack into anything. He's pretty much Emily's Leatherman.

I've just realized I'm dumb as a box of rocks because I thought Bridget only accidentally left her fingerprints on the evidence & screwed up badly by inadvertently inviting Agent Eyeshadow back to town.

And Dennis O'Hare

Are you unsure if you liked them, or unsettled by the fact that you liked them? I'm conflicted about what you meant in your last sentence.

Ever take two oreo cookies, remove the cookie parts, take the cream from one, place it on the cream from the other, replace the cookie parts from one, dispose of the cookie parts from the other, then eat your newly-recomposed cookie with double the cream in the center? I hear it's yummy.

Like Smokey the Bear, the is his middle name.

"I'd rather stick needles in my eyes. In a good way!"

You are not alone, Mr/Ms Death. Though Katic is more stick figure-y than Cruz.

But the real explanation came earlier from Ms. Tuck, and I was surprised Beckett didn't elaborate in the scene at the end.

Revenge needs no justification, unlike in real life. Plus, Emily VanCamp!

Next week's looks like what Castle does best. Maybe we'll get an opening as good as the space cowboy one from the last Halloween episode.

The life & livelihood of the highly-paid prostitute was certainly hurt by those lies. Or is one person not enough for you? She was used & tossed out in the trash by Carrie & her colleagues. That's a pretty serious indictment of how the war on whatever is prosecuted in this country.