Lord Fanny is fabulous.
Danny the Street is male. He’s the sentient street equivalent to a drag queen.
Maybe you were just a big Runaways fan.
But yeah, I went through an older friends collection of alternative, arty, punk, transgressive, underground publications (stuff like RE/Search) and I was shocked by how tame these books were compared to the internet.
Marston filled Wonder Woman with his own kinks. The nods to those kinks were done to go over the head of children. Marston was one of the first figures in the comics industry to acknowledge that comics weren’t just being read by children.
I don’t know where you’re getting sexist from. The whole point behind creating…
I say this as a massive Bowie fan, I think people are forgetting that, at his creative height, David Bowie was far from the archetype of good taste and had quite the twisted sense of humor.
This reminds me of people who were upset when the Met used a photograph of a skull mask as the cover of their Alexander McQueen…
She had me from the moment that Dina Lohan’s toxic spirit jumped out like a snake and bit the palm of her hand.
I used to think he was gay but after seeing him on Celebrity Big Brother, I honestly believe he was straight or, at the very least, was more interested in women.
Julia Roberts’ niece Emma Roberts that year she went as Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.
Blythe, the cult 1970's fashion doll.
Andy Warhol.
Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.
Tina Turner (who claims to make her own wigs).
Oh my God, Now I can’t stop compulsively compiling a list of people who wore wigs before Kylie Jenner.
Or just drag queens in general.
Why just an orgy? Why not Chapman-esque mutant Kanye’s merged together in an assortment of unholy, unnatural combinations wearing only Yeezy sneakers.
I’ll start.
1.) Sembene
And a book of Hitler’s speeches that he keeps on the nightstand.
Miley found inner peace... but she did get her dragons back?
Holly Scampersideways.
I remember one time, she told this story about how she was doing something with a chimp and he tried to have his way with her. I can’t find the video, it’s from her earliest stints at the Today Show. I did find this though starring the late, great Jan Hooks (rip):
I want to hate it but I can’t. It’s cute. Sort of. In it’s own little way. Like a bunch of little Leigh and Nicola Bowerys running around.