Sexism *is* disrespect. The reason it, like other forms of bigotry, gets singled out is that it carries with it a broader disrespect toward half the human race.
Sexism *is* disrespect. The reason it, like other forms of bigotry, gets singled out is that it carries with it a broader disrespect toward half the human race.
The comments are sexist regardless of who they're targeting.
Sure if you've never used a computer before.
Right? What a weird brag that you don’t get upset when a lose/don’t get what you want in a game. Just flexing on a literal child.
He's 6, you berk. And experiences human emotions.
They always trick me with articles like this. “This time it’ll be different! It’s like a whole new game!” And then I play it, and it’s still just as terrible as the last time I was tricked into buying a musou.
I was really surprised to see very tame graphics. Feel I can play this on my phone
Character models and lighting from 2010 definitely do a good job at slowing down the hype train.
I mean it doesnt matter if they show gameplay or not. There are tons of fames that had gameplay shown early on that created insane hype and the devs either didnt manage expectations correctly or flat out lied about changes because they didnt want preorders canceled. I mean look at Dark Souls 2, Destiny, Watch Dogs,…
The “shit” when the ladder breaks already makes her so much more relatable.
Uh...what? The original was not “cartoony”. It was anime. Also, the characters in the Remake are faithfully based off of their original designs. Your comment is hyperbolic in every way, at the very least
I actually have the same response. I just wish, you know, that the delay was until June, instead of September.
That take is scorching hot -- DLC does not mean a game is unfinished.
I will assume that at no point in your life have you heard someone say they were upset by something and gone “jeez, that’s a dumb thing to be upset about”. In which case, congratulations on being so very, very noble.
Same worked for FFX.
I’ve been saying for years that FFXIII isn’t anywhere near as bad as all the shouting on the internet makes it seem to be. It is linear for a good chunk of the game, but does open up at chapter 10 and as pointed out FFX had pretty linear design as well but for some reason no one ever points that out.
Man, you're hard to please. It's too soon for Metroid Prime 4.
man, some of y’all are never happy
Uhm, it’s not called “Lurelin” in Wind Waker. The point is that it’s the Outset Island village from Wind Waker. Should get a few interesting canon discussions.