
I wanna touch on how fantastically delivered and very well acted Leslies closing arguments were. This, along with Michael Kenneth Williams on Community tonight, where very unexpected bits of acting talent coming from tonight's shows. Not to say these shows don't have great bits of acting, but they were surprising bits

Personally, this episode just bought it a full season watch for me. While it has a lot of the trappings of your standard Odd Couple style TV series, Ritter's delivery and charm (not to mention my innate  desire to "hit that"), JVDB amusing self depreciation (i like having him back), and the legitimately surpising and

ATTENTION COMMENTERS: The batmobile is outside.

*raises hand* It's just a weird place to go with it. It did it's job by actually being a twist, but it's a cheap and extremely illogical way of bringing her back. I guess it;s up to next weeks to justify it. It stretches the idea of the "Warped Reality" style of the show. It's like if someone shot and killed Mark

She's more of a high B. But yeah, Winston's reaction makes sense when Schmiddy is climbing those peaks.

Yes, she say 30 sucks.

I know for a fact i've gotten lost 100 feet from my destination to the point where i called somebody.

cause it's a very specific guilty pleasure. A combo of Oz and musicals that only the manliest of us could unabashedly love.

For now on, Stop signs are Go signs. Im going to get SO MANY tickets.

except Patti the Daytime Hooker has shown up in RH, so it IS the same universe. So yeah, MNIE in the show is based of the life of the "Real" Earl Hickey, who is the star of the actual MNIE. And Jason Lee was spot on casting.

Another strong episode for Nick. Spectacular drunk. And i loved Winston's response to his world being shattered by the revelation that Schmidt and CeCe were a thing. And i completely appreciate Schmidt playing the (relatively) straight man through the episode. It's just sad that the laws of TV dictate that they will

the hoodie made it perfect.

Between this episode and his cameo in 21 Jump Street, Jake Johnson is having a great week in making me laugh.

Not to mention he knows a thing or two about running the city of Portland.

Great episode. Big laughs, good theme done very well, and had sweet moments to boot. One of the strongest episodes of the season. 

And getting more bangable by the episode for some reason. Dat 50's dress.

more like the face of that child if he DID knock her up. Yikes.

Hulu when i go to class/ am out drinking. Live when im not. Same with New Girl.

nick's total man crush on Dermot Mulroney and everything he said sold the entire episode for me. 

Is it just me, or has Shannon Woodard gotten even hotter in recent episodes? I mean, not alter-universe hot, but still dayum.