Although the "Come At Me Bro" took me out of it a little by being from a later time period. At least in the frame of the internet. Still laughed though.
Although the "Come At Me Bro" took me out of it a little by being from a later time period. At least in the frame of the internet. Still laughed though.
I re-enacted the episode using sock puppets and i still lost the last minute. Damn you Breaking In!
Watching this episode something finally occurred to me that i really should have thought about like 3 episodes in: does Schmidt have a first name?
don't get too excited. The show is an unmitigated abortion that is burning off episodes.
It becoming more and more apparent that these episodes were back catalog episodes that didn't air. That Hurt Locker gag alone sets this back 2 years. That being said, they're still good episodes that have their moments. Granted they're not as strong as the show was efore the break but still good.
I too really liked the Loop. it was a fun workplace show that played really well with screwy characters. I like Harrison in general. But the man is a magnet for shows that are destined for cancellation.
But through it's writing and world building, Parks makes you care about every single character. I think New Girl could reach that point someday, but they should try a little harder to build these characters.
Am i the only one having a hard time suspending my belief that ANY company would release a triangle shaped tech device. it just doesn't make any fucking sense, even as a joke. Maybe if we met the designer and actually explained the reasoning, it might make it funny.
I really REALLY wish they had said "Screw the show idea" and turned this into a movie instead. This would have been a fantastic 1h45 or even a miniseries, but as a multi-season show, i have serious doubts.
So far so good. It looks like they're running with Jimmy and Sabrina for a while. If they're smart, they will work at this and keep it going for the run of the show, using it as a motivation to grow Jimmy as a character. Or they could fuck this up.
Im surprised that they would move the entire schedule around just for My Teenage Daughter and Breaking in. I could have sworn they canned those shows.
It's like there is this guy on staff that comes up with all this great stuff. these great character moments, these fantastic performances, and awesome moments in editing. And they keep him in a box and occasionally let his stuff go to air to fulfill his contract agreement. I want that guy running this show.
to ad, i'd make the argument that the campaign is too specific. If anything, it should be broaden to incorporate bullying in general. It is a powerful message after all. Especially the one with Woody. That was a brilliant way to connect with a lot of people.
Okay that one too. Still scared that they'll take that one down. Beslie is awesome. It just dosen't happen enough is what im saying
TV has programmed me to believe that the last scene was going to end in abject failure because it's the middle of the second season, and one of the drives of the show is him wanting to be with her. I was shocked that it ended well, but i have the sad feeling it won't last. Hopefully they subvert my expectations again…
They need to write Jim and Pam off the show. Send them to Florida on a permanent basis. Just let their story end and build on the other ones.
If you should be worried for anyone, It should be Gillian Jacobs. Glover is a triple threat, McHale has the Soup and Soderberg's number, and Brie is sexy as hell.