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And the ending was actually a surprise, lacking the hype TWD spews out after every episode.

LOL "feculent!"

I considered that possibility too, but I can't imagine anyone would think that was a good idea. I just can't. Look how viewership of TWD is down since the latest season began. There was a lot, A LOT of hype over "someone's gonna die," and then they actually killed off two characters people cared about.

From hints dropped on the sub, I am under the impression that Zona is basically the 1%; billionaires, oligarchs, maybe the Pope, using wealth to shield themselves from the shitstorm and also to fund an attempt to find a cure. For themselves, of course, which is why Murphy bailed.

Would you hate being ignored by zombies?

10K is a stew of different vaccines, and possibly zombified, so he might be a different character for a while. But these vaccines seem to wear off; Murphy has to take shots, and the Zona blends are losing their immunity.

MY idea: There's this farm in Florida, see, and it raises snapping turtles for the turtle soup industry. Yes there is one. You can buy canned snapping turtle soup. So, plausible, yes?

Or the Zona submarine surfaces just as the cheese wheel comes flying off the cliff and lands smack on it, sending it to Davy Jones' locker weighed down by a ton of cheese and zombies.

Is it Arkham? Cuz I have an uncle there…

People are mocking the high-tech giant drone thingie, but think about it.
Wouldn't Elon Musk wind up in Zona?

Tch…who would prefer spam over tako poke???????

LOL…the people who love spam also love Zima. Who'da thunk it?

Hehe…I saw the Night of the Living Dead in a theater. That was a real scary movie when I was 17. We loved it!
I had to google when it was made to see how old I was when it came out, and found this. You probably know this, but I thought it was interesting.

Buckle up, it's gonna be a E-Ticket ride!

Right? I'd be shambling and gnashing and making 'uuuuuhhhh' noises!

I ain't touchin' that straight line… lol!

I tried Zima once. Unlike Mike's Hard Lemonade, Zima tastes like beer with lemonade in it.
Worst. Beverage. EVER! (at least you can grill brats marinated in Sam Adams' Triple Bock, which tastes like earwax if you try to actually drink it.)

you have the BEST recommendations! I must hunt down Fiend next. Betcha Amazon has it.

No, I'll check it out. I loved their fuel solution. That's the kind of thing I really enjoy in a zombie movie, all the potential for post-apocalyptic weirdness. give Wyrmwood Road 2 thumbs up.

Here's what I love about the internets. You, out there somewhere in the world, recommend Wyrmwood Road.