dagobarbz, fine Italian shoes

I hope the cheese wheel appears again in the next season. :D

You haven't seen a man cave, I take it? ;)

And now there's a Mini-me 10K…a lad called 5K. For some reason, that cracks me up.

I was faintly surprised when they opened the gate and let me out. Those places challenge my sanity!

No idea. If I had to pick, I'd eat a turtle before I'd eat a possum, and I have no intention of eating a possum.

It would… you'd know how poor Charlie Tuna felt.

LOL… ever consider standup as a career?

I have a sneaking suspicion part of this is simply to profile musical artists through the magic of CGI…

Abe? Izzat you? :)

Alas, no teleporting in this reality. It'll be interesting to see how they handle it next season. I hope it doesn't piss me off, because I really like this show.

I read something not too long ago about a cabal of high level Hollywood pedophiles who preyed on young male actors. There were noises about names being released in the near future. But as we know, noises are just that until solid proof is exposed.

These days, it's hard to avoid seeing or hearing about them "being human."

Zona must surely be supporting Mars somehow. It doesn't look like any governments are in a position to do much of anything at this point in time.

Maybe through your goggles, not mine. I interpret it outside of any religious angle.

You have to kill the head. Everybody knows that!

I'm down with death. If nothing, won't care.
If something, a new adventure.
Is win/win!

" I don't know why people hang out with anything other than gnarly broads"

I think Appolonia is a luscious name. That was the name of Michael Corleone's wife, that name fit her like a glove.

I keep thinking Abe Vigoda is dead and then find he isn't. Happens a couple times a year, for some reason.

Mae West also comes to mind.