Dagny Mol

General Twilight Sparkle was a hell of a strategist.

Yeah, I saw the movie when I was a teenager, there was some special re-release. I didn't know much of anything about it, but I liked a lot of old movies. It was a huge awakening to me that something so brazenly racist could be regarded as a classic. I mean, I knew there was a lot of racism at the time, but I expected

I'm just glad they found a way to make Barrow likeable that doesn't depend on him being screwed over periodically.

I've known World of Warcraft addicts, and if you can pull them away from the game by promising a "skiing vacation," they're not World of Warcraft addicts.

Fuck that shit, I'm a straight woman and I'm the biggest Byron hater I know. Even the dude who plays Byron thinks the whole Byron arc is pretty ridiculous, with the fancy suits and unlimited supply of conditioner. You see him at Phoenix ComicCon he's like, we could just sell some of these suits and we'd have our

I lost interest immediately after realizing the radio spot I had just been listening to wasn't actually talking about the Cardassians.

Yeah, but you really don't get to enjoy it.

File a shipping complaint. I used to have no problem with Prime when I was shipping stuff to my office and it was all handled by UPS. Then I started shipping stuff to my house, which is in a bit bigger city, and it all went through this shipper called Prestige, which is godawful.

The old (released) VHS tapes included the "and masturbation" bit also.

The store probably got a warning from the liquor commission and told their servers to ID everybody. Can you imagine a TGI Friday's without a liquor license? No, you can't, because they'd be closed and the waitress would be out of a job. But, hey, you had to spend 30 seconds pulling something out of your wallet when

She had a bunch of sex with Daario, then no period for three months, then something like a very heavy period. That's pretty much textbook miscarriage.

Which doesn't so much matter if you expect oft-repeated and exceedingly complex prophecies to be be fulfilled in unexpected ways. It's pretty clear that (spoilers, but whatever, you're in this thread) she has a miscarriage towards the end of ADWD so that she's able to conceive is at least clear.

The kind that's in the year 2014, where we all have smartphones? I mean, what's my android phone *for*, if not to post on the internet while I take a shit?

Oh, that's what that movie's about. Grand Rapids has been inundated for the past month with the filmmakers trying to convince everyone that being an unpaid extra is totally sweet.

What is the fair trade value on blind virgins these days?

"Citizens of Cincinnati, we are being attacked by the godless … tornadoes!"

Well, unless you live in a Stephen King novel, being scared of cars really means being scared of other people who have chosen to encase themselves in 1-2 tons of fast-moving metal.

There's, like, anti-spoilers. I would tell you all the ways this is so very wrong, but *that* would a spoiler.