In Houston, gots $$$, and wants to do burnouts? There is only one answer...and it ain’t a V8...
How long do you think Brian was waiting for a fare? Dude in the back, Horatio BTW, was blue when he got in.
I believe the one word answer you’re looking for is “shields”. That said, I noticed in the Mandalorian scene that the wind noise and the movement of the driver’s fur on his hood were minimal.
I believe you’re right, makes more sense as well.
The answer is highly dependent on the crime and setting. Most places in the US it’s a grey or silver 1/2 ton pickup. Obscurity through ubiquity with a bit of capacity.
Bane was on a BMW R 1200 GS- hardly a dirt bike.
Name another car that has had a 17 year production run, virtually unchanged, that is thought of as a failure.
Remove the square fog lights? Sir, that’s where the rockets are housed
Rental, on a remote(ish) island, by on off-duty covert operative- this may the time Bond drove the right car.
That’d be my choice as well.
This is the perfect answer.
Wondering if Audi will, they certainly should, send in RS6 Avant around every track of significance to set fastest wagon times.
Enough for Group B, enough for me.
Lexus GX. Not as big as the Land Cruiser, nearly as capable. Can be had cheaper. Plenty of hanger cred.
9 lives Bro. Jag has been dead twice a decade since the 80's.
It’s not an extra model, it’s a an engine option. In this case one that’s already done EPA testing- hence ‘off the shelf’.