Obviously a ratbag left winger, you need to find a ‘Safe Space’ to inhabit.
Obviously a ratbag left winger, you need to find a ‘Safe Space’ to inhabit.
First of all, it wouldn’t be Gizmodo if it didn’t have some dropkick shit-canning the US Gov. and 2nd: Who the fuck is Drew Magary and why would anybody in their wildest dreams want to buy it’s book? Love Gismodo but they should be more fussy about who they let onto the front page.
Interesting that your site is now so anti-Trump, anti-America that Melania being the ‘First Lady’ automatically precludes her from defending herself against any scandal rag that puts out grubby allegations. She is still an American citizen and is fully protected under the Constitution as everybody is from the gutter…
I find it sad that your site has become just one more anti-Trump anti-America left wing blog spot playing the #fakenews game. Sad!