David Gillies

1.8 PSI is also about the pressure differential in changing altitude by a kilometer (approx 12 Pa/m near sea level). It's a further confounding factor. Tyson is not helping his credibility (such as it is) with this loose cannon approach.

Henry Fonda should have been kicked off the jury, jailed for contempt, and a mistrial declared. It is not the job of jurors to play private dick. It is their job to assess the evidence they have been given, not to interpret it. Anything else makes a mockery of the whole procedure, There are instances where a certain

Henry Fonda should have been kicked off the jury, jailed for contempt, and a mistrial declared. It is not the job of jurors to play private dick. It is their job to assess the evidence they have been given, not to interpret it. Anything else makes a mockery of the whole procedure, There are instances where a certain