Initial comment: “veggies are expensive”
Initial comment: “veggies are expensive”
Beans and lentils are like a secret cheap food that nobody knows about. 1lb dry costs less than $2, pretty much regardless of variety, and makes like 6 cups. I eat about a cup per day so that’s almost a week’s worth and it’s a very filling food since they are high in protein and fiber. I tried to up my intake to 2…
Depends on your definition of cost. From my last trip to Kroger:
Hakuna Matata
Was there for high school during and shortly after the recession. Didn’t keep up with politics much then but I just remember education budgets were constantly frozen or gutted.
Where did you read that? All of the reporting focused on “two white guys making slavery fan fiction” and then after the initial the two black executive producers seemed to be like, “um, we’re here too?” At least, that’s the vibe I get from their words here:
Those are 4-lane highways, at least 60mph speed limits. Don’t try to dismiss it just cuz it’s sped up.
This bill started after events like this started happening. Not just a traffic jam in this case, more like protestors just willfully jumping in front of speeding cars:
Most of these laws started popping up after videos like this did:
Most of these bills started popping up when BLM protestors started cutting drivers off on highways. This shit looks dangerous as hell.
And they can just wring their hands about getting it fixed and claim it won’t fit in the budget. Easy win. But I’m sure NC will fuck it all up still.
The nearly 2:1 GOP to Dem ratio in both of your houses probably has his hands pretty tied, especially since I always got the feel he only won because McCrory was just soo hated. And even then, he barely won because a shit governor you hate is still considered better than a liberal in states like NC.
Roy Cooper is a Democrat who became governor in 2017, narrowly beating out Roy McCrory, the governor who signed that bill into law in 2015. I emphasize narrowly because it was just over 10,000 votes out of over 4.7 million cast statewide.
This might be the most non-sided post in the history of Deadspin and all of it’s related blogs, and we STILL managed to find someone complaining!
This just looks like
theological pedantry and mental gymnasticsreligion to me.
It’s an Immaculate Mis-Conception
“When someone says they don’t see color, they’re simply stating that they refuse to acknowledge someone else’s ethnicity, thus erasing their background and culture.”
Nah, cooking is better for ya
Yeah but then the “paying students in the form of an education” argument would be even more bullshit, since they would literally be majoring in playing sports
Vocal, racist aunts tend to come back swinging, ignoring what information you put forth and usually relying on a non sequitur (ie “well what about black on black crime?!”) whereas racist uncles seem to be much more dismissive and equate their older age to greater wisdom.