
Yeah, but she would have just filled her cabinet with Goldman Sachs employees!

“You’ve heard about the controversies, the process about the bill…but I don’t know if you’ve heard that it is legislation for the future – not just about health care for America, but about a healthier America. But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it – away from the fog of the

Deadspin reached out to Petersen about the potential hazards of poop doping, and she said that the need for rigorous testing means it will be years before anyone can poop dope.

While there certainly is an argument to reducing our defense budget, every day you exist in a sovereign country, you’re effectively making use of their national defense every day.

Which wouldn’t be as ironic if Trump didn’t trash talk them for his ages because he thinks he’s 35.

Definitely remember awhile back that there was a head of a police union or something like that, maybe sheriff of an area that had a mass shooting, advocating for gun regulations, which obviously right wing media never picked up because it would make their viewers’ heads explode when they found out being

I’d say it was moreso that BLM was sold to the Blue Lives Matter crowd (read: Fox News viewers) as being anti-police to the point of advocating cop-killing. If you watch the Blue Lives Matter propagandists, they usually talk as though BLM is saying cops shouldn’t be allowed to defend themselves. And most people

Did you really just say that the government takes tax dollars to build roads and uses it for the military instead? Because if you actually think that statement through, that’s what you just said.

Pretty sure he’s on the committee making the bill. He was on the fence during the passage of the House bill because it cut into the medicaid expansion. I feel him and every other R Senator whose state benefited from it plan to extend the expansion through re-election and then cut it.

The typical response I’ve been seeing on social media, in response to liberals complaining about the AHCA being passed behind closed doors:
“Oh ya, what about ‘we have to pass the bill so you can read it!’ Libruls are so quick to forget!”

He hires people to be his autopilot, although some people just call that a chauffeur

Great game. Basically like a whole extra season of the show. I would have liked more variance for the character types so there would be a bit more replay-value though.

Kids these days don’t like to read.

“He’s a lanky scrawny kid (5-foot-11, 160 pounds),”

“I threw slow enough that playing catch with myself wasn’t too difficult. The real challenge was getting the catcher’s gear on.” - things your dad says when he has a bum elbow

Missed seeing this post yesterday and a little upset about it because I just now got to read this thread. Bonus factor you’re forgetting: if you hate their political views, all sex can be angry-sex, which is usually pretty fantastic sex.

But ya, horrible person and all that jazz too here.

I bought a pull-up bar (not this one) recently and wasn’t sure about towels providing enough padding so I wen’t with pipe insulation. Seems to be working pretty well, although I had to double layer it. Also can cut off extra pieces for thicker-grips

I bought a pull-up bar (not this one) recently and wasn’t sure about towels providing enough padding so I wen’t with

Ah ya, I totally botched that reading check. 1968 they changed the first round from 5 to 7 game series but that was when only 8 teams made playoffs.