
Number 4 is the most Trump-like response I’ve ever seen from a non-Trump. “Nope, I’d just do it because I would because you suck. Boom.”

If you don’t want to pay taxes, go live somewhere without taxes.

For real on 2? Sounds in violation of the non-aggression principle.

Assuming or have you actually seen numbers to back that up? I recall seeing a chart at some point that showed it had maintained about the same rate of increase as pre-ACA but I don’t remember the source. Everything I’ve read regarding premium increases is that insurance companies got their originial estimates wrong

Sure but the example ties to a lot of advancements we see in medicine (actually a lot of scientific advancements): government-funded research leads to breakthroughs that then allow the free market to develop consumer goods (in this case prescriptions and treatments). A lot of government-funded development is too far

Tell you something you want to deregulate and I’ll tell you why it’s a bad idea. Then we can weigh the pros and cons.

Yes, and it’s more efficient to deny people with pre-existing conditions than to allow them to purchase health insurance.
Also, your premiums still would have gone up over time even if the ACA didn’t exist. You could argue it would have gone up by less with the ACA, but based on the data I’ve seen, you’d generally be

Well the initial internet was from DOD contracts to public universities, so yes, the government did sorta create this.

We had a free market before the ACA and it was working just soooo spectacularly

Sarcasm or do you not know that’s literally what the AHCA is?

I believe his point is there isn’t a black woman with the size of a platform as Tomi and there needs to be, ie someone who’s videos go viral and everyone knows here name. I have no idea who any of the 3 people are but I do know who Tomi is. Someone else on this post linked to Chescaleigh’s youtube and it looks like

The general ball-in-air hierarchy:

a place occupied by “beautiful people,” victims who are undeserving of his reflection, and the “losers” who occupy his attention.

“She doesn’t care how a 14-year-old is supposed to act. She’s true to her brand.”

It seemed to me like the article was bouncing between the two because it wasn’t conclusive which was the case but both have been shown to be a potential factor.

Corey Lewandowski: the only face in history that might be more punchable than Ted Cruz

It won’t let me edit my other comment, so I’m just posting a separate one:

I haven’t told you my beliefs actually.

And I don’t know why you’re talking about lawsuits. Pro-lifers don’t want to sue PP, they want to make abortion outright illegal. Maybe there are some current lawsuits going on (I’m not really sure), but if so, then it should work out as you said: they don’t currently have legal

Fail on my part lol meant to say “Facts trump beliefs”

I was correcting your word choice. Beliefs trump facts (or at least they should) and your word choice suggested that you considered your belief to be fact, when it was actually just a belief.