
The comparison is not so far fetched when you think about how Hitler rose to power on racism, bullying, lies and fear of the other - and then used his power to send the world and humanity into hell. Remember there was also a pre - Holocaust Hitler.

He did accomplish 6 bankcrupsies, being sued thousands of times for everything from racism to pure swindle of regular joes. He did accomplish to convince everyone but a few americans that still are willing to send grandma, the children and the environment down the river, that he is an incompetent serial lying sexual

u mean the democrats should sit on the side line and let the Trump regime ram every draconic legislature through congress...? It is safe to say that nice times are over.

The truth according to a pathalogical lier. No, the intelligence report did not conclude that the russians did not win the election for him. The report clearly stated that such considerations were made in the report. See...this is a manchild with its hands permanently stuck in the cookie jar, and will lie, lie and lie