That's not true at all and is a really harmful myth to perpetuate.
That's not true at all and is a really harmful myth to perpetuate.
I had the opposite experience, but my psychiatrist is just generally lovely so it might be that.
Protip: If you have to insist that you're a nice guy, you are not a nice guy.
If it weren't about your tastes, you wouldn't be "trying to convince her" of anything. You would let her know if that if she's doing it for you, she doesn't have to cuz she's beautiful as unicorn poop or whatever, and then respect her decision to keep doing it.
The warning is very much appreciated. Thank you.
This is an excellent scale.
Oh great, the "lol it's just a jooooooooooke" shit.
This is seriously unhinged.
I don't really get what your point is, though? Sexual health is actually pretty serious business. Obviously none of this should be used as an excuse to not use a condom, but I don't think it's helpful to pretend that genuine sizing/fit issues don't exist.
I'm a (cis, do not and have never had a boner) lesbian. I also have empathy and am not a giant asshole. Please refresh my post and read my edit.
There are legitimately dudes who need to use magnums because the regular size hurts. This is not a made-up thing. I have no doubt douchebags use it to pretend their dicks are bigger than they are, but can we not shit all over non-douchebag dudes in the process?
I have a guy friend who has to use magnums because regular condoms squeeze his dick and fucking hurt.
What I love is that you put out half the story (the half that makes you sound like an entitled asshole), and then started accusing everyone who responded reasonably based on the information available to them of being awful, compassionless, shitty people. Because they didn't read your mind.
Adorable! Bettas are great, aren't they?
Yeah, people get weirdly offended by it. I think maybe they think we're judging them? (we are, let's be real)
Agreed. I've spent 2K on my cat's vet bills since I adopted her less than a year ago.
OR people could plan their nights better so they don't end up in that position.
This is the best gif ever.
If I had to get an abortion, I can guarantee you I would not think about it twice. It would be like "Okay when's the soonest appointment?"
The only thing I find creepy about the maskers is how dead their faces are.