
The best part is that this kind of aggressiveness around copyright is what has led to Japan ceding ground to South Korea in basically all international pop culture spaces, and even then there’s an increasing amount of “anime” being made based on Korean webtoons and other stories. Of course, since Japanese corporate

Even at almost 50, you can go out and steal a car tonight. Life isn’t all about videogames. Live a little!

It’s pretty well known that Kotaku’s been imploding due to corporate pressure and more than a few ex writers have gone public about exactly this. This is just the first time someone’s been so up-front about it on the site itself.

Man, can you imagine whoever’s running Gawker reading this? Can they even read?

Incredibly sorry to see you go Ren, but best of luck on Beto O’Rourke’s 2022 Governor’s race. 

I hope that the herbs who own it don’t run the whole thing into the ground.”

I think everybody who is not an EA executive or shareholder, and I’m probably including the dev team here, would say “um yes”

Guess what? You and your company are scalpers too! Fuck you!

I would argue this a different way that fits this. Value adding in supply chain benefits the consumer downstream from that part of the supply chain.

If your gut reaction to this is to get defensive (like many people in the twitter replies) then it might be time to start examining your personal bias. 

Good on her for tearing into a long-growing cancer on the G4 fanbase.


“Eh, so long as those 3.31 million people aren’t me, or anyone I care about, I don’t give a shit.” -America

me too. some of the shit in that subreddit is truly egregious and borders psychopathic. idk maybe pathetic is the better word there? you tell me


I’m sorry but an incomplete or broken game does not justify any toxicity. Period. If you think it does, you need to grow up or take a break from a hobby which is clearly not actually bringing you happiness.

The sub reddit is a dumpster fire. At this point, the toxicity is feeding on itself. The community is literally eating itself and nothing will please them until the game itself collapses. Anything good from that community is being swallowed by the negativity. I’m surprised there are still mods. I would have quit a

“little worm”

“deserve whatever vitriol that comes their way”

This is exactly the kind of toxicity that people are talking about. The lack of self-awareness is astounding.

The game absolutely has problems and their decision to call things “legacy features” is confounding, but to say that they deserve what they get from

If they were smart, they would have equipped the staff with ribbons before starting development. 

This is such a great review Luke!! This is the most nuanced review of this game I have read across the internet, and I’ve read a lot. I’ve found it super interesting to engage with reddit n’ what not about this game..