
>a Kotaku journalist

Hold on wait... Are you saying when morediverse” people are involved in the creative process... they end up with more diverse results? B-but wait... Video games are products with target audiences, right? Are you trying to tell me that other people than me, have money and therefore are also part of that target?

“Embrace tradition, reject modernity” is just so incredibly pathetic

I’m still annoyed about how ‘woke’ has been taken out of context for agendas in the first place.

Tear away enough layers and its almost always people who want to be able to ogle/do upskirts of Asian and/or blonde female characters of roughly 1 or 2 body types.

One image showed several pictures of the protagonist Eve from Korean developer ShiftUp’s upcoming action game Stellar Blade, juxtaposed against female characters from Overwatch, Forspoken, and Life is Strange. “Embrace tradition. Reject modernity” is emblazoned on the collage.

You know what? Even if it were pushing a woke agenda, I'd be fine with that. We have had enough machism, jingoism, chauvinism and racism in our games.

You’re absolutely right about everything in this article, except for all the typos where you say “VIII” instead of “VI”

This is all a deception. They saw all the leaks and are throwing you off with these new leaks that are fake leaks so that they can reveal that it’s coming out tomorrow, and is launching with The Mario of Zelda: Pokémon Kazooie, where Ness and Samus team up to go 1080 Snowboarding against Andross. The system will

Alright, I get the older generations having a 7-8 year “life-cycle” because tech was rapidly advancing in more groundbreaking ways, but it feels ridiculous for this generation. It feels like we’ve barely gotten anything really cementing this generation as truly special. Sure, it could come in the next 3-4 years, but

I have to pretty much agree with your take. I held out and didn’t get a PS5 until Spider-Man 2 came out and while the game is phenomenal, the improvements over the PS4 Spider-Man are pretty minimal. Particularly if you play it on performance mode. In quality mode you definitely do get some improved visuals, but it’s

I find it odd how this surprises people.

Yeah, I don’t feel like developers are doing anything that demands a new console. If anything, I could see some “slim” versions of a PS5 and just keeping this console around a while. There’s nothing that seems like it’s heads and shoulders above what you could do with a PS4 other than just using some prettier

I’m imagining next-gen will be a lot like this gen, a small handful of actual exclusives, and lots of PS4 and PS5 games at better frame rates and resolutions, aka mostly mid with a couple of bright spots. 

Yeah it feels like the majority of titles on the PS5 are just ports from the PS4, I feel like Sony really sat on their ass the last 3 years when it came to first party games

Gotta chase that 10% YoY growth rate, damn everything else.

Yeah, I wouldn’t mind them being on like a ten second cooldown or something.

I just call myself a guy who like to game.

Just a person with a hobby...

Scared Assholes act like Scared Assholes