
A scathing and honest review of Kotaku. I’ve been here since the Aughts and man, it makes me sad to see how the herbs have ruined this place. Perhaps it’s time for me to move on too. I think nostalgia (and the last remaining legacy editors) has been keeping me from leaving. 

There is a button that literlly calls in vehicles wherever you are

Yup. Nailed it. I’ve noticed the change of focus as well and that some of that is very welcome, but there are a few things that do seem to be missing still. While a scripted “levelution” is no longer necessary, there does seem to be a lack of overall impact to the destruction that does take place.

Other than that,

Holy shit....this is incredible!


No, Luke. There is nothing wrong with you.

I like the infantry stuff. I like the tank stuff. I LOVE the chopper stuff. I like....well...all of it.

And because of that I love Battlefield games.

I’ll admit that there are problems with 2042, but honestly, I don’t give a damn. It’s still incredibly fun. I’ve had so many

I wonder if Overwatch will even survive until 2023

Yo! Battlefield 2042 is about to release. I’m in, fam!

Don’t worry. The scalpers and the bots will still get those consoles first.

Just wait for supply and remember:


Wow. So many people outwardly admitting to not watching the last special and already criticizing based on the same regurgitated mindless flak that’s been passed around before. No one is actually listening. Chappelle has called this out multiple times across multiple specials and yet here we still are.

If you are not

It’s not our responsibility to do the work for you. Watch the special or keep being a mindless zombie

May the scalpers sit on unsold inventory.

I’d say vote with your dollars, but there are too many people who don’t care or are otherwise unaware. Fight the good fight, but don’t expect any real results any time soon. This is a problem that has deep roots and it’s only a matter of time before you realize another entity that produces one of your other favorite

Look. Alright, I get it. Winback wasn’t the most popular title of the 64 era, but I don’t give a damn. I loved that game.

“The focus on the coming months will be on growing to become the next big AAA studio, while staying true to our roots as an indie team that prioritizes our community,”

I congratulate them on their success, but I have a feeling that they might dive right in to a little bit of hubris and not hold true to their

Titles like Dishonored, Final Fantasy VII, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Hyper Light Drifter, Life Is Strange, the Musou franchise, Proteus, the Tales series, Titanfall.”

I like you already

In the futuristic apocalyptic setting of New York....1998

I’m sold!

Snipers (in videogames) really are just the worst. Selfish and one-track-minded

The fact that they’d rather pay a firm to bust unions rather than pay their workers is a BIG fucking tell. I’m disgusted.

Mountain Dew Baja Blast is just a 80/20 mix of Mountain Dew and Blue Powerade.

You’re welcome.